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[ sunghoon <3 ]

we're sitting next to the big window, in case you have a hard time finding us ☺️

sunghoon <3:
oh okay then, thanks
we're on our way to cafeteria now


sunoo gasped after he read sunghoon's reply. he immediately fixed his hair and uniform.

"are they coming? i'm hungry and i hate waiting," jungwon mumbled why sipping on his juicebox.

"jungwon you better not show that attitude in front of them or else i will smack you right here," he glared at him.

jake, who's sitting beside jungwon, replied, "woah there regina, you can't do that to us. we'll expose you yano."

"agreed. the moment you glare at us later, they're all gonna hear about your stalking moments with sunghoon." geonu added while smirking.

damn these assholes.

"fine! daniel's the only one i can trust in here and yet, where the hell is he?" he asked jungwon.

"probably mourning," geonu mumbled, which sunoo clearly heard.

mourning? the fuck?

"why would he be mourning? what even is happening?"

"he's mourning for his heart...which is gonna be dead after this lunch." jake chuckled.

sunoo is still confused what it means. is he the only one who doesn't get it? is it some secret that he doesn't know?

"why would it be dead? can you guys please just tell me what's happening to daniel?"

"what's happening to me?"

daniel's finally walking towards them, and sat beside sunoo. he also handed him a yogurt which he brought earlier.

"i don't know, they've been saying that your heart's dead or something—thanks by the way," sunoo opened the yogurt and ate it heartily.

meanwhile, daniel mouthed 'shut your mouths idiots' towards the other three.

"huh, where's our yogurts?" jungwon demanded.

"go buy your own."

geonu tsked. "the favoritism is showing, folks."

sunoo was listening to them bicker when his phone vibrated. he opened it and to see a text message.


[ not sunghoonie × ]

not sunghoonie ×:
you're excited to see me?


not sunghoonie ×:

i'm excited to see sunghoon
i don't know you, so why would i be excited 😬


𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now