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ni-ki grunted while shifting on his bed. his head had been pounding since he woke up this morning, and it's getting worse. not to mention his temperature which isn't going down.

he felt his phone vibrate so he reached it while lying on the bed.

it was taki's message.


[ taki ]

yo are u still sick?


okay good

wtf you mean good mf i feel like my head's gonna crack soon

lol it's gonna be okay
i sent someone to take care of you

is it kei hyung?


before he can reply again, someone rang their doorbell. great, now i have to get up and open the goddamn gate.

sighing, he stood up and walked towards their front yard. everytime he steps his foot he feels like his gonna faint.

"yo you guys didn't have to visit-" he stared at the figure in front of him, trying to process. is he hallucinating? crap, he must be really sick.

"u-uh...i brought fruits, and your calculator's here with me," what the fuck, he sounds exactly like sunoo. is this a dream? yeah, it's probably a dream. i should just close my eyes again..

"ni-ki...? are you okay?" sunoo closed the gate and went closer to him to check his temperature.

"d-don't come closer...please don't..." he mumbled.

"what? ni-ki-"

before sunoo could even speak, ni-ki fell right inside his arms.


sunoo sighed and looked and ni-ki who's sleeping soundly on his bed. he had to carry the boy back inside his house, and not to mention that he didn't know where his room is. needless to say, he had a hard time.

he also put a towel on his forehead to lower his temperature. he was kind of burning earlier, but thank goodness his temperature is slowly getting back to normal now.

he sat on a chair beside his bed and stared at ni-ki. he looks so peaceful while sleeping. his lashes are so long, and his nose looks pretty up close.

why am i staring at him? sunoo shook his head and just looked at the picture frames on ni-ki's study table.

there's one picture when he was young, and there's also one with his friends. he really looks so cute when he's smiling.

ni-ki shifted on his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. his gaze fell on the boy who's sitting on his chair while staring at the picture frames.

then realization hit him. it wasn't a dream?

"sunoo..?" his eyes widened when the boy turned his head to him. it's really him. taki what are you even thinking?

𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now