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"here's...uh, my clothes.. just use the bathroom right next to my room," sunoo nodded and quickly ran towards the bathroom.

after he closed the door, he covered his mouth and screamed. what in the actual fuck did i just do?!

he likes the guy but why did he kiss him? just why? what was he thinking?

meanwhile, ni-ki's heart still hasn't calmed down. he still can feel sunoo's lips against his. he closed his eyes as he felt some kind of butterflies in his stomach again. ah, sunoo really has me whipped.

after changing into ni-ki's clothes, sunoo went out and saw the other sitting on the sofa while watching some movie.

he sat on the other end of the sofa, eyeing ni-ki.

"are you okay now?" riki broke the silence.

"y-yeah. i was just kind of emotional earlier," sunoo looked away, feeling embarrassed.

ni-ki chuckled. "emotional huh, so you kiss people when you're emotional?"

sunoo's eyes widened, his cheeks starting to get pink again. "n-no! it was not like that-"

"hmmm?" the other raised his eyebrow, teasing him.

"fine! i don't kiss people. it's just that, it's you. because...you know," i hope the earth swallows me whole right now.

"i like you." he muttered.

ni-ki bit his lower lip to stop himself from smiling. i'm so happy right now that i feel like hyperventilating.

"you were saying? sorry i can't hear you," he said, trying to make sunoo say it again.

sunoo pouted. "i know you heard it."

"no i swear i didn't, can you repeat that again?"

"i said, i like you. loud and clear. there, happy now?" ni-ki laughed when he saw sunoo's face become red.

he gestured sunoo to come closer. then, he pulled and hugged him, intertwining their hands. "i like you too, sunshine." he whispered against his ear.

sunoo buried his face on ni-ki's chest, getting shy again.

"you know, i really thought you chose sunghoon over me. i mean, you like him and you even tried to get his number before. but luckily, you got mine. what a coincidence huh?"

sunoo looked at him. "i did like him, but you were so annoying that i had to like you." he jokingly said.

"nah, it's because of my charms." ni-ki laughed.

he stroked sunoo's hair while the boy is still hugging him. he feels like it's all a dream. he can't believe that his whole happiness can fit right into his arms.

i'm falling deeper.

"sunoo, you're really choosing me right? because i won't ever let go of you."

sunoo hummed. "yeah. i choose you, nishimura riki, as my person. so hold on to me and never let go okay?"

ni-ki smiled and nodded as he kissed his forehead. the two were just cuddling on the sofa, forgetting about the whole movie in front of them.

"oh before i forgot," sunoo removed his arms on ni-ki's waist. "you blocked me." he sulked.

oh right, i forgot about that.

"sorry about that sun, i'll unblock you right now." he pinched sunoo's cheek.

"can we eat dinner too? i'm starving," sunoo stood up and went straight to the kitchen.

𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now