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sunoo didn't even realize how long ni-ki has been dragging him when they finally stopped in back of the botanical garden.

"okay, can i speak now? i-" sunoo stopped talking when he saw ni-ki looked at him.

"i'm sorry."

"what? no, i should be the one saying-" sunoo sighed when he was cut off by ni-ki again. can you atleast let me speak first?

"i know we're just friends, and i know that i shouldn't need to explain everything to you. but... the girl, she's kei's younger sister. and i don't want you to get any weird thoughts at all."

sunoo nodded and held ni-ki's hand to calm him down. "riki, it's okay. kei told me about it, and i should be the one saying sorry. you have all the right to be mad at me."

"wait, i'm not mad at you. i'm just trying to distance myself." ni-ki looked away.

the atmosphere got quiet and the two were just standing, holding each other's hand. the two of them wants to say something, but they're afraid. afraid of the consequences.

"listen," ni-ki held sunoo's shoulders, making him look at the boy. "this...this whole set up is making my head hurt. i know that you probably think of me as your friend, but to me.... you're not."

is this it? is he finally confessing? shit, what do i respond? how do i respond to this?

"you're not....just a friend. you're more than that."

ni-ki stared at sunoo's eyes. his hazel brown eyes which seems to hold the universe. oh gods, i like you so much.

meanwhile, park sunghoon just arrived and had witnessed the whole scene in front of him. is he okay? no, definitely not.

so before ni-ki could even speak his thoughts, sunghoon cleared his throat for them to notice him.

sunoo got startled and ni-ki let go of his shoulders, feeling awkward.

"hey sun, i was looking for you." sunghoon smiled, trying to hide the pain he's feeling.

"y-yeah, we were just talking about something. anyways, let's go," sunghoon grabbed sunoo's wrist before he can even walk away.

"sunoo, before you leave.... i know i have no right to say this to you but, can i have my answer now?" sunoo's eyes widened when he heard what sunghoon has said.

"uh, i think this isn't the right time-"

"ni-ki likes you right?" ni-ki clenched his hand at sunghoon's reply. why is he speaking like this?

ni-ki scoffed. "and what if i do like him?"

sunoo looked at him, completely shocked. he likes me? is this real?

"then he should choose between the two of us." sunghoon said with a straight face, looking at sunoo. i'm sorry, but i needed to do this. i just want this to be over.

"what, you're that confident of yourself? okay then, we'll let sunoo choose."

sunoo massaged his temple and sighed. "y-you guys want me to choose right now? in this place and time? really?"

the two didn't respond but just stared at him. great, just great. how could this two idiots demand an answer from him?

sunoo looked down. it's never that easy to choose in the first place. he inhaled, then shook his head. he has to do it as soon as he can.

"fine. since this is stressing me out, i'll give you two an answer tomorrow. now please can you leave me alone?" the two guys nodded and walked away, leaving him.

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