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sunghoon is never fond of showing love. or any kind of affection, for that matter. his love language is.....well, he doesn't know. all he knows is that he doesn't have time for it.

but right now, as he stares at the guy who asked for his number right in front of him, he just wants to touch him. to be with him.

"i need to talk to you, sunghoon." he gulped when he heard sunoo mutter that line.

it's because he knew. he already knew what he will say. when he saw him running towards him, he was shocked. his heart was beating too fast that he couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

but then, he knows.

he knows what will happen, because in the past few weeks, he saw how sunoo had a change of heart. and even him couldn't stop that.

"how about we go inside the rink first? let's skate."

"i can't," sunoo interrupted. he was actually very late because of traffic, and he doesn't want to waste any minute. he has to go after this.

"you can't skate? it's okay, i'll guid-"

"no, it's not like that-what i mean is, i can't... i can't be with you," sunoo looked down. he didn't know what else to say. he ran out of words, and he feels like an asshole.

he heard sunghoon chuckled and went closer to him, touching his face. "hey, look at me."

sunoo sniffed before raising his head up. sunghoon was staring at him, smiling. now i feel more sad.

"i-i'm sorry.... i just-i liked you. i liked you so much that...." sunoo started crying while holding sunghoon's hand.

"....that i couldn't believe i fell for another guy. i feel like it shouldn't be like that, because it would've been unfair to you. i flirted with you, i made you like me....and now, oh gosh i hate myself-" sunghoon just sighed and hugged the other, trying to comfort him.

"silly, why would you hate yourself? it's not your fault that your heart chose a different person. it's okay, hmm?" sunghoon replied.

sunoo looked at him. "but i liked you first and now-"

"nah, i think you're wrong. i like you, even before you started texting me. it was me that liked you first, so no need to feel guilty about it. i can handle rejection."

sunoo felt relieved, but he was confused with what sunghoon said.

"y-you liked me first? what do you mean by that?"

sunghoon smiled and pulled him to sit on one of the benches. "i'm sure you can't remember it, but it was here. the first time i saw you."

the first time he saw me?

"it was two days before christmas. you were here with your friends, ice skating. at first, i didn't bother looking at you. but then, when you bumped into me, you giggled and muttered an apology. after that, i couldn't take my eyes off of you. i tried to memorize your face because i wanted to see you again," sunghoon laughed.

"so bad...and i did, i saw you. but i never had the courage to approach you. i never did, not until you told taki that you wanted to have my number."

sunghoon tried to hold back his tears. he shouldn't cry. he didn't deserve sunoo anyways, because he was a coward. he was scared of this foreign feeling he felt. he tried, but he guessed that fate have another plans.

𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now