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aussie boy @jakey tweeted.

CARNIVAL WEEK STARTS NOW! grab your tickets and come see what SNU has to offer 👻

CARNIVAL WEEK STARTS NOW! grab your tickets and come see what SNU has to offer 👻

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@geonuyah shout out to sim jaeyun for sponsoring the fairy lights of the univ, please also sponsor my tuition fee juseyo 🥺🤩
↪@jakey no 😍
↪@geonuyah *sad whale noise*
@hanbinjjang it's good that you're advertising the univ but can you come here and help us with the booth u mf
↪@jakey lmao sarreh hyung, gonna head there now


"why do we even have to do this every single year? this is tiring," jungwon pouted as he fixes the hanging banners on their booth.

Every year when April comes, SNU celebrates their anniversary by setting up a carnival with booths and programs from every department. this event lasts for one week, so students actually have a break from school works and classes.

"don't stand there looking so grumpy, you're gonna scare the customers you idiot," geonu hit jungwon with the balloon that he's holding.

sunoo just smiled and continued decorating their booth. their booth is simple, a person can win a stuffed animal if they answer a question related to biology department.

"bitch no one will come in here not because of me, but because our booth's theme is boring," jungwon even rolled his eyes.

daniel chuckled. "how about you put someone famous as a bait to gain customers?"

all of them paused at daniel's statement. a bait huh? well, i'm not famous so that's definitely not me—

sunoo felt someone put his arms around his shoulder. "daniel, you are a genius. now here is our token celebrity to attract customers." hanbin said while grinning.

he groaned. "hyung, i don't want to! choose jake instead, a lot of girls are vying for him," he tried to reason out.

hanbin shook his head. "nope, that's not gonna work. jake's not even here in the first place, and you—you attract a lot of people. so," he dragged sunoo out od the booth.

"just stand there, daniel pass me the megaphone," daniel got the megaphone and handed it to hanbin.

hanbin cleared his throat before speaking.

"A pleasant evening everyone! Come here and play in our booth and get a chance to take a picture with the our one and only, very appealing, Kim Sunoo of Biology department!"

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