Club - Part One

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A/N: I wrote this one A WHILE ago now, and I slightly hate it now — BUT I'm going to keep it up (both parts) in case - for some odd reason - one of you people really enjoy it.
Point it, for you own good and well-being, read this short story at your own risk, and do not hold me accountable for any cringe.

SIDE NOTE: I wrote this story back in 2020, so just keep that in mind when you reach the part with a certain song that I obviously manifested and guessed long before it was imaginable...

Lily Davis

I walk into the club that has bright red lights everywhere. Everything turns red as soon as I step into the crowded building.

I walk straight over to the bar, and stand, waiting for a barista to come and take my order.

I patiently wait for the barista until I here an unfamiliar voice coming up to stand next to me.

"Are you here all alone mama?" I turn my head over to where the voice is coming from, and immediately I'm caught off guard by the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my lifetime.

I realize I have been staring at her for the last 10 seconds without answering her, "...Hm? Oh, yeah... Sorry"

She smirks at me as if she knew I was checking her out. right before I get the chance to feel embarrassed for staring at her attraction, she shamelessly looks up and down my body, before returning her eyes back to my face with a smirk.

I decide to break the silence by asking "What's your name?" with a polite smile.

"Billie" she says, returning a smile back.

"I like that name, it's very unusual... in a good way of course!" I say quickly realizing it sounded like I was offending her.

I stare at her for another couple of seconds, just admiring her beauty.

"Aren't you going to tell me yours?" She says with another smirk on her face.

"Oh, right. sorry. My name is Lily"

"Lily, huh? I like that name" She repeats what I said about hers.

I smile as I awkwardly tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Well lily, can I buy you a drink?" She asks.

"Uh, yeah sure." I say smiling innocently at her.

She then calls the barista over and orders some drink I've never heard of before. I don't really drink, nor come to clubs that often. I just really needed to get out of the house for once.

"SO, what's a pretty lady like you doing all alone here?" She asks me.

I blush slightly, being very relieved that the lights in here are red, which makes it impossible to see the redness forming on my cheeks.

"Not sure actually, I guess I just needed to get out of the house."

She nods and smiles, and takes the drinks that the barista gave to her and handed me one.

"Cheers" she says holding the glass.

I take a sip of my drink, not knowing what to expect the taste to be like. As the alcoholic liquid washes down my throat I taste the sweet, yet burning sensation. I scrunch my face slightly due to the exciting burn covering my throat.

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