Club - Part Two

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I widen my eyes at the sudden change of position, not expecting her to dominate over me. usually I don't let other people dominate, I like to have the control in intimate moments. but seeing lily straddled on my hips with her hands on my waist, made me absolutely weak.

"Your turn" she says seductively to me with a huge smirk.

This woman will be the god damn end of me if she keeps this up. I look deep into her eyes that seem so desperate to see more of me.

I don't waste a second unclasping my bra, taking it off, letting my full breast spill out of them. Lilly's eyes trail down from my eyes, to my lips, and down to my exposed chest. as soon as her eyes meet my plump breasts, she smirks and leans down to kiss me.

I put my hands behind her neck to pull her closer, while she takes her one hand, grazing it slowly down my body, causing shivers flow through my whole body. She pulls her hand down until she meets my thongs, takes a hold of the string and slowly pulls them off of my body, to throw them down on the floor.

I must say, she is quite talented, she was doing all of this with closed eyes, while our tongues were explore each other's mouths.

Lily takes a hold of my thigh to slowly massage it, making me whine.

"Gettin needy, now aren't we?" she says smirking down to me.

"Please." I whisper out to her, with a deep desperation in my voice. I never beg, so even I was quite shocked that, that came out of my mouth. I couldn't help myself, it was like she had me under a spell, her spell.

My core was aching for her touch, so needy, like i've never been before. I was practically dripping wet, and she hasn't even touched my heat yet.

She takes her hand, and starts to rub my insanely sensitive clit, feeling how wet I was. I gasp at the touch of her hand on me, melting into the sheets.

"So wet for me" she whispers out, dipping her head down to kiss me with so much passion, while her fingers slowly circle my heat, making me moan.

"Holy- Shit-" I could barely even form words from the things she's doing to me.

She starts rubbing my aching clit faster, making me moan uncontrollably.

She suddenly stops, then climbs off of me and gets off of the bed, making me very confused.

"Why did you sto-" I stop my sentence to see her walking over to my desk and reaches her hand out for something, I can't see what she's reaching out for since her body is covering it up, with her back towards me. even though i'm upset she stopped, I'm very grateful for the view of her standing with her plump round ass.

She turns around and I wides my eyes at the sight of what she is holding.

"I noticed this on your desk when I came in, mind if I borrow it?" she holds out my pink vibrator in her hand. I would be very embarrassed if it wasn't for her seductive voice, and her huge smirk across her face.

I nod slowly, being very confused as of what she is going to do.

She walks back over toward the bed, and climbs back between my legs, while holding the pink vibrator in her hand.

She smirks, as she turns the vibrator on to reveal the loud vibrating sounds coming from it.

I swallow the lump in my throat as she lowers the vibrator to between my legs.

"Holy Shit-" I say, as the vibrator hits my swollen clit, making me shudder.

"Mmh" Lily's hums, as she holds the vibrator on my sensitive heat.

I roll my head back and shut my eyes, the feeling of the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through my body.

"You like that baby? hmm?"

I nod frantically, rolling my eyes back at the intense feeling.

As if the pleasure from the vibrations wasn't enough, Lily's slips a finger into me and starts pumping into me at a fast pace.

I moan extremely loudly, not being able to hold it in. the feeling of the vibrations against my clit, and her finger pumping into me, was sending me on edge. I can feel the pressure in my lower half growing very fast.

"I'm goi- to cu-" i say, not being able to form a sentence from the pleasure I was feeling.

"Vim on my fingers" she says, adding another finger inside of me, making me gasp at the overwhelming feeling.

She pumps her fingers into me a couple times, it being enough to send me over the edge, as i feel the intensity growing, telling me i was so close to reaching my high.

"I- ah!-" I say, as I feel pleasure burst through my whole body, feeling my body tense up, before completely relaxing, my vision going white.

I moan uncontrollably as lily keeps pumping her fingers into me, holding the vibrator on my clit, riding me through my high.

I felt as if I was on cloud nine, my mind going completely blank, entering my sub space.

After a minute or so, my mind came back to reality, the feeling of lily laying on top of me was so comforting and warm.

"That was amazing" I breathe out, from being so out of breath.

"That was the hottest thing i've ever laid my eyes on." Lilly says with a chuckle.

I hum in acknowledgment, not being able to express what that was like.

i just want to thank everyone for reading these, i am so incredibly grateful.
thank you.
more updates coming soon, VOTE AND FOLLOW FOR MORE🥰

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