Meet And Greet

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Zara Parks

Billie has a show tonight. This is the first one of this tour, so she's really excited — we all are, really. It's been around a year since her last tour, so she's really been missing performing on stage; and her fans in general.

Since she's been missing her fans so much, she brought up the idea of doing meet and greets before every show so that she can connect with them a bit more. Her manager agreed and they immediately set up a plan that would work; she'd be standing and greeting fans one by one, where the fans would be able to take a picture with her before moving to the next fan. That way it would be extremely efficient and more fans would be able to greet her.

We're currently sitting in the back of the car that is taking us to the concert venue for tonight. Billie is looking out the car window, with her hand softly placed on mine. Her thumb gently rubs the top of my hand.

I look upon Billie's face, instantly noticing the wide grin she has on her face as she looks out the window.

I smile to myself, nothing makes me happier than seeing her happy. "Are you excited?" I chuckle — fully aware that she most definitely is, but asking her regardless.

Her head turns my direction as her eyes lock with mine. She nods, biting her bottom lip in an attempt to contain her excitement. I look at her in admiration.

She's so adorable when she's excited.

"I just can't believe it's finally happening. You have no idea how much I miss them."

I gently grab the sides of her head, giving her a little kiss on the forehead. She grins out loud. Billie smiles as she leans into a kiss. Our lips connect in a soft kiss before we pull apart again.

"Can you explain to me one last time how today's gonna go?" I ask her.

"Well first we'll get set up, and do sound check real quick. Then I'll come out to the room dedicated for the meet and greets for tonight, where the fans will be waiting in line. You can choose to come with me and stay there, or you can go to my green room and relax a bit before the show."

The car comes to a stop, I look out the window to see that we've reached the venue.

"Ready?" I say with a smile.

"So ready."

Billie gets set up in her green room, and then does a quick sound check where they adjust the lighting and make sure everything is working and ready for tonight. I watch as she sings softly to the songs, not fully using her voice as it isn't necessary till the actual show later. As she sound checks "Billie Bossa Nova" I catch her winking at me, and doing a cute little dance to amuse me.

When sound check is over, Billie and I start walking towards the area where the fans are waiting to greet Billie.

She can't stop smiling. I can tell how much she's trying to contain her excitement. We reach the door, and Billie takes a last deep breath before opening the door. Screams fill the room instantly, as the fans catch sight of her.

Billie's face brightens up immediately. She waved to all of the fans while walking over to the designated 'meeting spot'.

One by one, the fans walk up to hug her. Some of them with tears in their eyes, others smiling so incredibly wide. There are fans of all ages greeting her — some as little as 5 years old. Every time a little kid waddled up and hugged her, Billie's eyes would catch mine in a silent conversation telling me "Do you see how adorable this is?"

After about 20 minutes, a group of girls – who look like they're around me and Billie's age, came upon their turn to meet Billie. A girl with curly, dark brown hair comes up to Billie first. Her body oozes with confidence with the way she walked boldly up to here without an ounce of nervousness. She has a hint of mischief in her eyes.

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