Punishment / Mild BDSM

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Warning: this short story contains subjects such as mild BDSM. Billie is purposely very controlling, which may come off very toxic, but that's how their agreed relationship is.

Sophia Evans

The vibration of the car roams through the seats and surfaces, the soft feeling of the warm leather covering the car seat beneath my clothed bottom and thighs. I look out of the window. Passing pedestrians walking the sidewalks of downtown New York, rain cascading from the skies as usual.

I look away from the window and towards Billie who's sitting in the driver seat, eyes focused on the sleek road ahead of us. Her one hand was on the steering wheel, the other laying gently in her lap. As I'm looking at the hand on her lap, I suddenly get a risky idea. I bite my bottom lip in temptation, before slowly reaching over the console to grab her unoccupied hand. Billie's gaze moves toward my action in confusion. I move her hand toward me, laying it on my thigh in a way that forces her to grab it. She gives me a subtle smile, before looking back at the road.

Her hand gives my thigh a comforting little squeeze, turning something on inside of me – god that is so hot. My hand still on top of hers, I tighten my grip on it as I move her hand higher on my thigh. Billie turns her head and locks eyes with me. She catches on to what I'm trying to do, while giving me a warning look.

She doesn't remove her hand, so I temptingly move her hand even higher, her hand nearing my core.

"Soph. Whatcha' doing there" she says. I bite my lip once again, looking innocently into her eyes as I shrug my shoulders, pretending to not know what she's talking about. I move her hand the last two inches, her hand now placed right before my cunt.

"Sophie." She uses my whole name, That usually means i'm in deep shit – oh darn.

I attempt to place her hand directly on my covered core, but her hand stays sternly on my thigh.

"You want it that bad? Can't even wait till we get home, you little whore."

Fuck, i love when she degrades me like that. It reminds me that she's the only person who gets to speak to me like that – that she's the only person who owns me.

I nod to her words. She grabs my thigh, hard. "I'm driving, angel. You wouldn't want me getting distracted and crashing the car, now would you?". I whine in disappointment, turning my body away from hers, purposely moving further away from her. Her hand slips off of my leg in the process. I cross my arms stubbornly and roll my eyes.

I feel a harsh hand roughly grab my face and turn it towards her, "Being a brat I see. Dont fucking roll your eyes at me. You'll just end up with a punishment. Got it?". I Huff out a breath of frustration, "Got it mom." I say sarcastically with another eyeroll.

"Right, that's it. When we arrive at our apartment, you will go to our bedroom, strip and wait for your punishment, naked on the bed." she says sternly.

Less than 5 minutes later we arrived at the apartment. I visibly gulp in nervousness. I slip out of the car, trying to walk calmly over to the elevator. I hear Billie's heavy footsteps behind me, only making me more anxious.

I silently enter the elevator, Billie entering after me. She presses the top floor to our penthouse. We stayed silent the entire way up, I made sure to look down the whole time, since I didn't think I would be able to handle the intimidating stare I know she's giving me right now.

The second I hear the 'ding' and see the doors to the elevator open, I rush inside and into our bedroom. I know this routine way too well, and as much as I'm nervous, I'm also extremely excited. I never know what she's planning on using as punishment before we're in the act. She knows how much I love these punishments, so when I'm purposely acting like a brat, it's no surprise to her.

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