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ps. i think this (phenomenal) song fits this storyline very well🥴

 i think this (phenomenal) song fits this storyline very well🥴

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Ellie James

Billie, Maggie, Patrick, Finneas and I are all in Billie and I's living room.

I suggested to Billie that we should see her family more often, now that Billie doesn't live at home with them anymore, So we decided to invite them over for dinner tonight.

"So, how is it going with the whole 'living together' thing going?" Maggie asks from next to me on the couch. "Really good actually, It's definitely a huge difference from when we were living on our own, but I wouldn't change it for a second. I love living with her, she's always so nourishing and caring." I smile at Maggie, while glancing over to Billie who's sitting right across from me, having her own conversation with Finneas and Patrick.

"Awh I'm so glad! Billie has barely even been visiting us lately, she must love it too much here with you." Maggie says with a chuckle.

Maggie and I have a conversation for a little bit, until we get pulled into Finneas and Patrick's discussion.

I don't say much in the conversation, considering how shy I am. I'd rather just watch and listen to the conversation.

I hear a text notification coming from my phone, so I look down to it seeing the name "Billie" popping up on my screen. I glance over to Billie who has a smug look on her face. I look back to my phone confusingly, and open the message to see what Billie texted me.

I'm so fucking horny watching you in that short dress.

I widened my eyes at the very inappropriate and sudden text, looking subtly up to Billie, trying not to make it obvious, seeing a huge smirk plastered up on her face.

I immediately blush from her obscene text, trying to hide it, Billie only chuckles from finding humor from my reaction.

Oh that's it, I'm getting payback. I pick up my phone to answer Billie's text, trying to come up with something that will get her all clustered.

I sent her the message, before putting my phone back down and looking up to Billie to see her reacting.

Billie notices her phone notification, as she picks up her phone to read it.

I'd want nothing more but you fucking me so hard with your fingers till I cum all over you, having me scream out your name.

Billie quite literally gasps out loud, grabbing everybody's attention before she looks back to me with a shocked expression.

"What's wrong Billie?" Patrick asks Billie, glancing over to me once, noticing how She's staring at me.

"O-oh umm nothing, I just realized I forgot something in the oven." Billie quickly lies, before looking back at me "Ellie, would you mind helping me?"

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