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Ember Evermore

Billie has been writing all day long with Finneas. I understand it's her job, and I'm so proud of her accomplishments, and I know she wants to perfect this album for her fans; I respect that, I really do.

But when it comes to the point where she barely has time to talk to me, yet alone let me know she's about to leave the house before she does.

God, all I want is to be around her. I wouldn't even mind just sitting in the same room quietly.

She's currently at Finneas' house, once again recording her second album. And once again, she just left this morning without a "goodbye" or even a note. I always feel so distant from her nowadays, it's awful. Not even to mention, we haven't had a single intimate moment in weeks. She mostly ends up crashing at Finneas' place and sends a quick "Spending the night at Fins, love you."

Is it too much to ask? It seems a little selfish of me to only be thinking about myself, I just really miss her.

I miss the times where she'd be so proud and excited about showing me a song her and Finneas recently wrote. She'd hurry me into the car, insisting that I must experience it with either headphones or a really good speaker. I'd listen to the song, enjoying every moment of her angelic voice roaring through the speakers. She would nervously stare at me the whole time, looking for any bad reactions. I'd praise her when the song was over, feeling immensely proud of her skills and hard work.

I miss it all.

A part of me worries she doesn't feel as attracted to me anymore. I know the possibility is slim, but still.

I walk around our house restlessly, trying to distract myself from my anxiety by cleaning. Every surface was practically spotless, yet I couldn't get myself to just lay down and relax.

I suddenly get a phone call from my phone, walking over to the counter it's laying on and picking it up to see Billies name pop up. I furrow my brows, this is very unusual.

I swipe the button to answer, putting my phone up to my ear.

"Hey baby, what are you doing right now?"

"Uhm, not much I guess. Just cleaning the place a bit."

"Babe please don't tell me it's stress cleaning again."

"No, of course not. I'm fine." I lied, "are you coming home today?"

"That's actually what I was calling to talk to you about. Can you come over right now?"

I pause confusingly. "Uh, yeah, I guess I can." I say timidly, "Any specific reason?"

"Well, sorta. It's a surprise. Just come over. Please?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in 10."

I questionably got in the car. This can't be anything bad, right? I mean, she did say "It's a surprise", surprises are usually good...I think.

By the time I arrive at Finneas' house, my mind has gone over 1000 scenarios of what's about to happen.

I walk myself inside, remembering the time Finneas told me sternly there was no need to knock at any time and how I'm always welcome. He's such a sweetheart, truly.

As I go to take off my shoes, Finneas appears from around the corner, immediately catching sight of me. "Oh hey Ember. I Haven't seen you in so long." He says smiling while engulfing me in a warm hug.

"I know, but it's very nice to see you." I say as I squeeze him tightly.

"You too. Billie is in the studio." He says, before I thank him and walk in the direction to the studio.

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