Best "Friend"...

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Bella Wellspring

Billie is my best friend. She's always been there for me, for years now. I trust her with all of my heart.

We're currently seated in her car, in an empty parking lot, talking to each other — until I suddenly start to tear up from all of my emotions being built up inside of me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Billie says with sympathy in her voice to me, noticing my glossy eyes.

"I- I don't know wh- what to do." I say while tears are starting to fall down my cheeks.

"What to do? What's up Bells?" She says with a worried look on her face.

"If I tel- t- tell you, I'm a-afraid it'll ruin our friendship." I say, barely being able to form a sentence from trying to hold in all of my emotions.

"Bella just tell me, it won't ruin our friendship. I promise. it's not healthy to keep in all of these emotions, I can see it in you, you look so stressed angel."

I sit there for another 30 seconds, contemplating whether I should tell her or not. All of my overthinking from these last couple of weeks could end at this very moment. All of my stress could be relieved into something good, or bad.

Is it really worth risking the best friendship I've ever had?

I started spiraling with my own thoughts, so I decided to just say it before I hesitate again, "I think I'm in love with you."

Billie looks at me with wide eyes, surely not expecting me to say this. It felt as if time was going in slow motion, my heart beat practically beating out of my chest.

She stares deep into my eyes, then to my lips, not saying a word. She then unexpectedly leans in, over the console, to connect our lips.

I widen my eyes a bit from this unexpected moment, before relaxing into the passionate kiss filled with so much emotion.

We pull back a little bit to catch our breaths, our foreheads resting against each others. I look down to her lips, to see a subtle smile. I look back up, into her bright blue eyes "I'm guessing you feel the same way?" I say with slight humor.

"You have no idea." She says with a chuckle,

She leans back in to connect our plump lips. I open my mouth to take a quick breath, while Billie takes it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss by entering her tongue into my mouth. I gladly welcome her into my mouth as we deepen the kiss even further, while exploring each other's mouths, as I hold her face.

Billie moves her hands to my hips, as she subtly lifts them to signal me to sit on her lap. I lean more into her, as I lift one leg over her to straddle her, with the help of Billie holding one hand on my hip, the other on my thigh.

I tangle my hands into her hair, holding her head in place. Billie moves her hand to my hips, so that both of her hands have a grip on my hips.

Billie then starts to move my hips against her, so that I grind against her.

I moan into our passionate kiss, as I feel the pleasure from grinding against her. She removes her hands from my hips, while I subconsciously keep moving my hips against her.

She moves her hands down to the buttons of my jeans. Before she starts to unbutton, she pulls her head back from me to pause our kiss. "Bella are you sure you want to do this?" She says to me with caution.

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