Strap-On Slut / Part Two

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A/N: Ha. Ha ha. So uhm, when I said three months ago that I "promise to update soon", I might've been a little bit of a hypocrite, clearly.
BUT to be fair, I've been extremely busy lately and I tried my best to find time to write. I'm finally giving you part two to this story, so I hope it lives up to your expectations now that you've been so patient with me.
Thank you, and sorry for the lies :0

Love you lots, -A

Isabel Winter

"Fuck – yes baby. Suck my cock angel." I smirk down at her.

Her eyes light up with excitement. She grabs my cock with ease, sliding her hand up and down the length.

Billie thereafter licks the tip slowly. She slides her tongue over the slit, as I watch her closely. She looks so sexy and seductive in this position. She's sitting on her knees at the edge of the bed, arching her back purposely so that I can get a good view of her naked ass.

Her plump lips wrap around the tip of the strap-on before she slides her mouth down the length. I jolt out of pleasure when she suddenly turns on the vibrator inside of me with the remote.

"Jesus fucking christ!" I curse out. My legs give out a little bit, so Billie takes a hold of my thighs to keep my balanced as I grab a handful of her hair in a make-shift ponytail. She continues bobbing her head up and down my cock, as I moan out in pleasure. I gently push her head down on me, making sure I'm not forcing her down too roughly.

Obviously, we both know what's actually causing me pleasure, is the vibrator inside of me, and not Billie sucking my cock — but it is almost as if neither of us want to believe that. We want to be intimate in a way that she's the one pleasuring me, even if it's pretend.

Billie hums around my cock, as her saliva coates me with every stroke of her mouth. She takes my entire cock into her mouth and keeps it there. I loosen my grip on her head, to make sure she doesn't completely choke. She pulls back after a few seconds, taking a deep breath to get oxygen back into her lungs.

Saliva is dripping down her chin as she eagerly goes back to sucking me. "There you go. Taking my cock like the good girl you are, yeah?" I ask. Billie nods, continuing to suck my dick, barely giving herself enough time to catch her breath.

The vibrations inside of me, massage me in indescribable ways. It feels so fucking good. Looking down at my sweet girl taking my cock so well makes me absolutely feral. I get closer and closer to an orgasm as she continues to suck my dick.

"Holy fuck Billie- Your lips feel so good around me."

I get the sudden urge to kiss her so badly, that I pull her hair with enough force to pull her off my cock. Billie suddenly moans, clearly liking the hair pulling.

I grab both sides of her head and pull her higher up on her knees and lean down so that we're at the same head level, before smashing my lips against hers. I moan into her mouth, as the vibrator works me closer to a climax. Billie kisses me back with passion, as she wraps her hand around the strap-on and continues jacking me off.

My body tenses up as I get to the edge of my climax before releasing all of my tensions as I cum. I whimper and moan into Billies mouth as she proceeds to kiss me. "God, yes Bil," I whine.

I get extremely sensitive as I come down from my high. Billie seems to sense my sensitivity as she turns off the vibrator. "That was amazing Billie."

She gets a little shy, losing her confidence as reality sets back in. I run my hands down her hair soothingly, "Now, I wanna fuck you. Can I do that, baby?"

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