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TWENTY MINUTES LATER, You and Gojo had just finished up in the boba shop, you were getting ready to pay

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TWENTY MINUTES LATER, You and Gojo had just finished up in the boba shop, you were getting ready to pay. The waitress came over to your table with a bright grin on her face. Her aura radiated positive vibes, you felt rather safe around her, emotionally.

You pulled out your wallet and was getting ready to pay until Gojo beat you to it. He had a big grin plastered on his face as he stared at your agitated figure.

"Gojo, I thought I was paying." You stated, frowning, feeling as if you owned him more than you already did.

"If you were faster then you could have paid." He let out smirking as you both stood up getting ready to leave.

"Take away pastries?" He bluntly stated, slightly blushing at the variety that was neatly organised in the lower see-through cabinet near the cashier.

"Sure, I'm paying this time." You stated exaggerating your words so he understood you for once.

He nodded his head. You both headed in the fairly short line and waited a while until it was your turn.

"Hey, what would you like today?" The cashier asked, getting ready to prepare the food you wanted to take with you.

"Could we get Macaroons and Glazed Donuts?" You stated, slightly stroking your chin as you intensely focused on the menu.

Honestly, you didn't know there was more to this boba shop until Gojo had pointed it out.

"Yes, you may, here you go." The cashier stated, with a cheery voice as she sorted out the sweet treats, placing them in a bag. She handed them to you and you paid, side-eyeing Gojo.

"Thank you so much, bye." You stated, handing the bag to Gojo and waving the cashier goodbye. You and Gojo walked out of the store feeling the cold air gush in your direction and the snow lightly brush against your face.

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