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YOU HAD JUST WOKEN UP, Gojo's presence felt as if it had faded

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YOU HAD JUST WOKEN UP, Gojo's presence felt as if it had faded. Your vision was blurred but what you did notice was he was not lying in his usual spot, nor was he holding onto your body, sharing his warmth. You panicked slightly and got off your bed, a pool of irritation pent in the pit of your stomach. You grabbed your top and pants and placed them onto your body.

You then began to open your bedroom door, listening in as the door opened with a faint click. The outside was brimming with light as the windows flooded the hallway with a source of lighting. You slowly crept your way down the stairs, feeling even more anxious than before, your hands began to shake slightly at your side as you inched closer to the living room, and as you looked, you sighed. Gojo was in the living room, watching a programme as he sat there.

It seemed that he had noticed your presence as his head turned to the side you were, looking at you and offering a gentle smile that seemed to have turned into a smirk. In one of his hands laid a plate of a sort of breakfast, whilst the other one rested against the couch, supporting his posture whilst he lazily sat there.

"Breakfast is in the kitchen," He said, gladly sporting the plate embedded into the palm of his hand.

You nodded, sparing him a small smile before heading in the direction of the kitchen. Gojo watched as your underwear outlined your plump ass. He watched as your ass moved whilst you inched closer to the kitchen. Just the sight of you made the man grow hornier once more. He wanted to ruin your tight pussy once again, and observe as you beg for his dick to rearrange your insides.

You glanced at the plate that sat neatly on top of the counter, a subtle smile drew itself onto your face as you looked at the food saved in the container. You only glanced at it briefly before heading in the direction of your bedroom. You wanted to eat, yet you also felt somewhat dirty as you had just woken up.

You didn't bother to even muster a hello to Gojo as you were still mad over his actions, you only dodged his presence, slipping through places in mere silence. You walked up your apartment stairs in utter silence, limiting your sounds. So when Gojo heard your presence was no longer detectable, he did feel slightly at fault as he had caused it himself.

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