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YOU AND GOJO HAD ARRIVED AT A LUXURIOUS RESTAURANT. You stared at the building, lips parted as you admired in shock. Not once did you expect something as lavish as this. This was one of the most expensive restaurants to exist in this part of Shibuya.

Also, taking your stay at the restaurant had made you felt somewhat underdressed. As, men and women were fitted into sleek, luxurious dresses that moulded perfectly with the physique of their bodies.

"When did you ever have a spot reserved here?" You asked him, as he strode his way over to the reservation spot to verify his position.

"Yesterday. Not hard to book here y'know," He exclaimed, chatting to you as his figure was inching closer. You picked up on your speed, grasping ahold of Gojo's hand as your interrogating hadn't ended. Once your hand was wrapped snuggly around his porcelain skin, he paused, turning back to face you with a confused expression.

An expression swirled with a large load of cockiness emerging to the surface. Stupidly, his glossed lips curled into a shit-eating grin, preparing to taunt you.

"Can't stop touching me now, can we?" He teased, as he removed your grasp off of his paled wrist and set your hand into his large palm, entwining it with yours.

"I wanted to ask you something as it seemed you didn't hear it-"

"You just wanted to touch me-" He added on, flashing his set of pearly teeth as he continued to mock you for an action that held no value.

"No I didn't, stop teasing, Jack frost," You let out, feeling as your facade was starting to slip from your once stern grasp. It seemed as if Gojo had begun to slowly steal away the barrier between the both of you.

Instinctively, you felt yourself on the brink of releasing a swarm of insults to him. Jack Frost was one, but nowhere near as insulting as the ones buried beneath your sleeve.

"Jack Frost. Jack frost won't be the name leaving your pretty mouth tonight." He whispered into your ear, his mint breath caressing the outer shell of your ear as he whispered sinful words, warning your body that he was soon to mark you as his own.

Gojo's series of facades settled into a playful one once again. He refocused on the initial tasks he was supposed to pursue, all in order for the both of you to settle down at a nice table for the night. As he inched nearer and nearer to the lady occupying the desk, he halted, only sparing her a glance. In relief, she proceeded to announce the table the both of you were to acquire to for the night to come.

"Table five." The lady said, eyes drawn to Gojo's presence as he stood there towering over her, setting a barrier, feathered with a gleaming sense of intimidation into the atmosphere. Coating the unfortunate girl, who couldn't help but feel her eyes forcefully draw themselves upon his ocean-tinted eyes.

Before you were about to head your way over to the table assigned to you, you watched as Gojo's intimidating aura disintegrated. It turns into no more than tiny specks of dust that lingered and wafted along with the cold breeze that caressed your soft features.

You eyed the white-haired man, waiting to see as of what his next move would be. His eyes seemed to be occupied as he stared at the girl behind the register. He gave her a quick glance. A smirk tugs across his lips before he began to journey his way to the table, hand entwined with yours.

You overlooked his gesture, not caring as his money would be going towards paying for your meal. He was treating you tonight, not the girl who lingered behind the counter giving instructions and directions. The both of you inched closer to the table, interacting slightly as you moved closer to the table.

The brown polished table now laid in eyes view, a long table liner draped lowly towards the ground. It brushes against it, making a slither of contact. But, it's not enough to declare it was pooled on the floor, lying prettily.

"Ladies first," Gojo whispered, his cool minty breath trailing across the outer shell of your ear as he stood behind you, teasingly ushering you to make your way to the seat reserved for you.

"Thanks, I guess." You let out, choosing the seat that faced away from the people scattered around in the restaurant. You wanted your presence to seem unknown but linger.

People were able to see you if they had come close enough. But from this angle, you felt concealed. Safe from the pride-stripping gaze of the wealthy.

You sat down, sighing as you watched Gojo slide into his seat, glee present in his face as he peered out of the snow-coated window, watching as couples and people walked past, smiles reaching their eyes, and different hues of colours embedded in their skins as they walked by. Gojo only observed when he felt like it. Observing the natural habitat of humans was something he felt himself sometimes drawn to, especially when people with different hues of colour walked past the window.

"You ready, Gojo?" You asked, menu buried between your palms.

"I am, you first. Tryna get what you gettin'," He said. His head remains pressed between his hands as his elbows rested against the table. Mesmerised, he glanced at you continuously, eyes not leaving your relaxed figure once.

"Fair enough..." You opened up the menu, tracing your finger along the appealing foods that stuck out to you.

You surfed the menu for a solid few minutes before becoming satisfied with something you had chosen. Gojo had become impatient as you were deadly silent focusing every ounce of your being onto a single menu, your aura laid concentrated while you lightly chewed on your bottom lip.

"I'm done, we can order," You said to him brushing your fingers across his porcelain fingers as you handed him the menu. But as you were engulfed in a conversation with Gojo, you felt as if a figure was peering at the both of you, watching each and every aspect of your movement. It seemed Gojo had sensed it too as his expression flickered into something more annoyed. His eyes laid dead like, his glossed lips straight and his face overall bored.

"Don't move, Y/n".


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