Chapter 1: Laughs and chuckles

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As the rain pounded against the glass window, and thunder boomed throughout the morning sky. Harry sat up in his bed. His hair was messy and untamed. And his pajamas were crinkled and lopsided. Though, he didn't care. It was finally a free day. He could spend the soon to come hours filled with endless snacks, movies, and maybe Louis would even finish teaching him how to play 'Clair De Lune' by Claude De Bussey.

Throwing the heavy covers off his inked body, he quickly grabbed a clean pair of clothes and headed to the bathroom to shower.


"Louis?" Harry called out as he finished drying off his curls. Chucking the towel to the side carelessly, he walked to the kitchen.

"Over here!" Louis yelled from the living room.

"Hey! Morning" Harry smiled, showing off his bright dimples that Louis loved oh-so-much.

"Morning to you too" Louis replied brightly, as he scooted over on the piano bench, creating a small spot for the younger lad.

"Come on join me" Louis laughed, motioning Harry to sit.

"Let me just finish this piece, Canon in D, before we finish your little project." Louis swiftly moved his fingers back to his previous position. Even though Harry was very anxious to be able to at through the piece of 'Clair De lune', he always enjoyed listening to Louis play. It was just so comforting to him


"Just pick one!" Louis chuckled, as he chucked a pile of movies at his friend.

"It's not that hard!"

"Yeah it is! What if you don't like the one I pick!" Harry pouted

"I'll like whatever you pick" Louis smiled brightly, showing off the sparkle in his blue eyes that made Harry glow.

"Fine titanic" Harry stuck out his tongue, acing the other movies back as he placed that one in.

"I love that movie." Louis settled back into his chair. Harry walked over to the beige couch and leaned his head onto Louis' shoulder, cliche as it is, he felt it for perfectly.


"I'm not lying, your jaw line is seriously offensive!" Louis laughed, tracing his finger slightly across the sharp jutted out skin

"No it is not!" Harry chuckled, trying his best to ignore the butterflies in his stomach from Louis' touch.

"I could slice my finger off" Louis mumbled, Harry just rolled his eyes, but on the inside was practically glowing with happiness.

"Let's go see a orchestra!" Louis randomly exclaimed, surprising Harry and himself.

"Okay!" Harry agreed quickly, nodding his head.

"Let's go see this one, it has this really pretty piece in it, I think it's called like 'the offering ' by Michael smith or something" Louis pondered aloud.

"Alright, what time-" Louis phone ringing cut off Harry's scheduling.



"Im busy...."

"Another time?"


"Fine!" Louis hung up, and stressfully rubbed his temples.

"I'm sorry Harry but Eleanor called...."

"I understand" Harry trailed off.

"I'm sorry Harry, maybe some other time?" Louis questioned as he grabbed his phone and keys.

"Yeah" Harry whispered, "Some other time"

"Bye!" Louis called from the front door.

"Bye" Harry whispered.

Ditched for the girlfriend again.



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