001 ๑՞. not you

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ೃ⁀➷ chapter ; 001 -not you

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ೃ⁀➷ chapter ; 001 -
not you

MOMO WAS ACTING strange today. 'i wonder why?' you thought. momo was usually very calm and collected but today she was happier than usual.

"momo is something the matter?" you asked. she whipped her head toward you and gifted you with a wide grin.

you watched the dimples form on her cheeks. oh how perfectly they complemented such a sweet smile. the setting sun beamed at her face. a whisper swam through your mind, 'definition of divine'. that smile will forever be glued into your mind.

"h-huh? how d-do you mean my dearest y/n?" she nervously stuttered with the smile plastered on her face and a noticeable pink hue that coated her cheeks.

my dearest y/n. the nickname she had given you since you guys were children. you tilted your head slightly to the side at the awkwardness that laced her words.

all of a sudden, she tackled you into a tight bear hug. you stumbled to find your ground and stand up straight. that plan obviously failed as you both found yourselves on the hard concrete of the sidewalk.

she laughed and hugged you even tighter. this left you confused, and a little out of breath. this was unusual. she had never done this unless she found her favourite tea; or when you agreed to go shopping with her and let her spoil you rotten. "m-momo?!" you whisper-yelled, not too sure why.

"ahah, sorry y/n i'm just so happy right now! i guess lady luck really is on my side huh?" she laughed out as she released you from her surprisingly tight embrace. momo was now outstretched in a star-like pose, the bottom of her ua blazer, crumpled at her sides.

you were the first to get up. before you could even dust off your ua uniform, your hand was already reaching for momo's hand. she grabbed it. the littlest things made your mind run wild. the pads of her fingers rest gently on your palm. so soft. her thumb grazed your knuckles as she let go.

the feeling of her fingers still lingered on your skin. momo clasped her hands together making you jump.

"u-uh momo, what do you mean 'lady luck really is on your side-" she interrupted you by gently gripping both your shoulders and spinning you, making your body face directly at the black-haired girl. she squealed in excitement.

"jiro asked me on a date!" you could basically see stars in her eyes. her blush was visibly clear now and her smile became wider.

your heart sank. your eyes widened at this newfound information. goosebumps travelled up your arms.

your muscles tensed up. you felt like you wanted to throw up right then and there. unfamiliar, soft and delicate materials tried to emerge from your throat.


"okay" you said.

'that's okay.'

'that's fine.'

'but i don't understand,'

you swallowed thickly and mustered up a small smile.

'i'm right here.'

"i'm so happy for you momo" you said. "congratulations."

'why her?'

she started to ramble on and on, though you could see her lips moving, no sound came out.


'why'd you pick her..?'


'i'm happy for you momo'

'i really...


a small smile crept its way onto your face. tears threatened to fall from your fragile e/c eyes. "oh right!" she suddenly said causing you to slowly look at her. she noticed the sudden change in your behaviour.

"you needn't worry my dearest y/n! i'll still have time for you" she said with happiness, stroking your upper arm.


"yeah..thank you" you said with fictitious joy.

'i wish you the best momo.'


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