Operation: Busted

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I do not own any rights to the original materials or characters

Wei Wuxian sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. He has finally made his decision, he is going to try and find out who his little boy really is. Now this is nerve wrecking for multiple reasons but the one taking the biggest space of his mind is the worry of how his little bean will think of him.


The grumpy voice breaks him out of his thoughts and Wei Wuxian automatically slightly smirk hearing his brother's voice, he knows his disapproving sound is only a mask.
His brother had cried for a full week straight after Wei Wuxian had shown he was willing to sacrifice himself for him and he knows his brother still feels guilty over it, at the end of the day he knows his brother would do the same for him. 

"Aiya~ always a ray of sunshine Jiang Cheng." 

Wei Wuxian teases and he knows at the other end of the phone line his brother's eyes are probably almost rolling out of their sockets. 

"Well, having their annoying brother call during business hours always makes me giddy."

Wei Wuxian can literally taste the sarcasm thrown his way and he cannot stop himself giggling which in return earns a small sigh from his brother. 

"What do you need Wei Wuxian?"

Wei Wuxian's heartbeat starts to slightly quicken as his brother already wants to get to the point, he should have guessed it but he's still slightly thrown off. 

"Heh, umm, w..why would I need anything for calling my favorite Shidi?"

Wei Wuxian mentally slaps himself. 'Smooth Dumbass.'

"Spit it out!"

Said man gulps hearing how the voice turns to angry from annoyed, there really is no mercy thrown at him, so taking a deep breath Wei Wuxian finally spill the beans and awaits the massive scolding.

Lan Sizhui looks at the clock hanging above the door frame, his friend hits him on the arm and his attention is immediately brought back to the sparring. 

"Sizhui why do you keep looking at the clock? If you don't pay attention I'll kick your ass."

Lan Sizhui holds an apologetic smile on his face, he didn't mean to do it on purpose, it's just he had decided to meet a certain baker after practice and he can't help feeling nervous.

"I'm sorry Jingyi, I have something important to do after practice and I just struggle focusing today."

Lan Jingyi slightly frowns, it isn't normal to see his best friend so out of it so he cannot help but feel slightly worried.

"Umm.. would you want me to come with?"

Lan Jingyi offers while running his hand through his hair looking slightly annoyed, Lan Sizhui quickly shakes his head making Lan Jingyi frown deeper.

"What are you hiding Sizhui?"

Lan Jingyi asks but right at that moment their martial master calls out end of practice and before Lan Jingyi has any chance to grill his best friend of information, Lan Sizhui runs out leaving him alone and stunned. 

Wei Wuxian rubs his hands nervously, his nerves are through the roof and his best friend notices and he sighs and grabs Wei Wuxian by the arms and guiding him to sit down at a chair behind the counter. 

"You need to calm down you're making me unable to focus properly."

Xiao Xingchen scolds while getting back to making patterns on freshly baked pastries. 

"Sorry Shixiong, I'm just a bit of a wreck today."

Xiao Xingchen throws a glance back at him and then continues to focus on his art.

"You don't say."

That does it for Wei Wuxian and for the first time that day he starts to laugh.

"Did you, did you  just answer with a meme? I never thought I'd see the day!"

Xiao Xingchen actually rolls his eyes at this, something rare for him to do but there is always time for moments like these.
At least it seems to have worked in calming his shidi a bit so loosing a bit of self pride wasn't so bad. 
The bell above the entrance door goes off with a soft tune as someone enters and Xiao Xingchen spots how tense Wei Wuxian turns as he spots their little favorite person look slightly uncertain and frozen at the entrance.

Lan Sizhui was ready to gain a massive scolding from his future mom after running away abruptly the previous day so when he's scooped up into the warm, familiar and safe embrace he secretly love and adore he almost let himself cry out in relief. 

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