Chapter 4

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Hi guys!

So I think I'm gonna update once a week, because I don't have enough time to do it every day like I have been doing so far.

Anyway, enjoy the fourth chapter.

Natasha's POV

I remember falling down the dark abyss and the feeling that I'm doing it for Clint and for all those people who have lost someone or died because of Thanos. I remember I closed my eyes and waited for me to hit the ground.

And then I open my eyes.

At first I can't see anything but light. My head is spinning and I hear those voices. They want to tell me something but there are too many of them and I can't understand what are they saying. I'm trying to move my hand, but I don't even feel it. Everything is so bright and blinding. After a few minutes my eyes are starting to get used to the light and I see some silhouette. The voices in my head go silent and I finally can see normally. 

"Clint?" I'm standing in front of my friend, but I want to make sure if it's really him.

"Natasha!" Clint also calls my name and runs up to me. As we fall into each other's arms I feel he's crying.

"What... what happened? What are we doing here?" I ask and look around. It definitely doesn't look like Vormir. "Am I dead?"

Clint chuckles through tears in his own funny way.

"No, no you're not.... Anymore."

The word "anymore" worries me a little bit, but when I want to ask about it I'm interrupted by joyful female screams. I turn around and see Wanda and some children. But I don't really care. Clint's still crying and to be honest I'm close to tears too. In one second I'm sure I'm not gonna see him again and a moment later I'm here in his arms.

"Oh, God, it's good to see you." I say and Clint gives me a soft, friendly and full of warmth smile. He hugs me again, and again, and again. I'm finally getting worried. "Clint, is everything alright? What happened? I don't understand how did we get here, a few minutes ago we were on Vormir..."

Barton looks away and clears his throat.

"Yeah... it wasn't exactly a few minutes ago, but I'll tell you about everything later, okay? Now let's just enjoy the moment."

I nod, but I'm still a little bit confused.

Wanda's POV

I see Clint and Natasha hugging and I smile. I'm very tired, but I don't want to think about it, I just want to hug my kids, brother and husband too. I notice they are confused and tired like me, but when they see me, their faces instantly light up. In the next second they are all hugging me and I think I've never been happier than I am in this moment. Vision's holding my hand and looking at me with a warm smile. Clint comes up to me also to hug.

"Thank you soooooo much!" he says and smiles gratefully. "You don't even know how much this means to me."

I nod.

"What the hell happened?!" asks Pietro (I'm not a big fan of the old Pietro from "Age of Ultron" so I'm bringing Evan Peters back hehe. Let's just pretend he's always been like this.)

Pietro frowns.

"What the hell happened?!" he repeats.

"I kinda... resurrected you..." I say and Pietro frowns again.

"You didn't see that coming, huh?" says Clint and he laughs at his own joke.

Clint's POV

I laugh at my joke, because it was great and funny. Then I glance at Wanda. I see she's happy and that makes me smile. She strokes kids' foreheads and she says calmly:

"These are my boys..."

It kinda reminds me of my own children. I hang my head and sigh sadly. My reverie is interrupted by Natasha who suddenly takes my hand. I'm happy about it, because only by touching her I can make sure she's really not just my imagination. Everything seems so unreal and so amazing in the same time. I smile.

"Okay" I say. "We will probably go..."

Wanda and Natasha nod.

"Be careful" Scarlet Witch says.

Me and Natasha get to my car and we're driving away.

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