Chapter 8 part 2

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Hi guys! I finally finished writing this part! I must admit that lately my will to write has left me a little bit, that's why it took me so long.

But here is the second part of chapter 8, I hope you'll like it :)

After a long (way too long for Clint) greetings with Steve, he finally lets Hawkeye and Natasha in. Clint takes a quick peek and realizes how right he was when he doubted the idea of coming to Steve's.

"Wait, is there only one room?" he asks skeptically as he walks inside and noses around a bit.

"Uhm, yes. Maybe I should have told you about it earlier..." Steve smiles apologetically.

"No shit, genius" Nat chuckles and places her hand on Steve's shoulder. Clint frowns, he doesn't like this gesture although he knows perfectly well that Nat and Cap are just friends.

"So..." Barton puts his luggage on the floor "It's getting late already... were do you think we should sleep?"

"Oh, right!" Steve opens an old looking couch and pulls a mattress out of it. "Nat, you can sleep on the sofa and Clint here, on this mattress. It's very soft and comfy" he adds when his gaze meets Clint's doubtful one.

"Alright" Natasha sits on the couch and the dust layer rises up from there. She winces, but then she notices something more worthy her attention. "Steve? Whose shirt is this? She points the piece of clothing laying on the back of the sofa.

"What? That? Uh... wha- it's mine." Rogers looks away and outburst of nervous laughter comes out of his mouth. Clint and Natasha glance at each other and smile like children who just came up with a brand new great idea.

"Steve, we all know that you don't wear red shirts." Hawkeye says with suspicion. "Didn't Bucky Barnes have a similar one?"

"WhaaAAT?? Nooo, it's mine! IT IS MINE!"

Natasha notices that her friend is blushing and decides to leave him alone. After all she also knows what it's like to fall in love. She glances at Clint's kind face and smiles.

"Sure it is." Nat mumbles to Steve, but she knows that the shirt is not his. It's Bucky's.

"Well, thanks Steve" says Clint. "We really appreciate your help and that you let us stay here. Even if your flat isn't some five star hotel" he smiles and watches the expression of clear loyalty and friendliness appear on Captain America's face.

"No problem, bro" Cap glances at Natasha and smiles sincerely. "Gosh, I still can't believe you're with us again Romanoff."

They hug again, then Clint and Natasha start to unpack their stuff. After a couple of minutes everything's ready. 

"I'll go and take a shower" Nat says and takes her towel and a cherry lotion. "But first I need to change this bandage on my leg. Clint can you help me with that?"

Hawkeye looks at Tasha confused and clueless. As far as he remembers she didn't have any wounds, so why does she need to change some bandage? Wait, did he miss something? Maybe Black Widow didn't tell him everything. Has she got hurt someway and he haven't noticed that?

"Wha- what?" he asks and frowns concerned. Then he sees that Natasha winks to him and a wave of realization comes through his mind. She doesn't want to change any stupid bandage. She just wants to stay with him alone for a minute. "Oh... THIS bandage. YES. ABSOLUTELY."

Nat glances at Steve as they both enter the bathroom.

"Jesus, Barton, you're such a bad actor!" she chuckles softly, a little bit ironically.

"Shut up" Cint chuckles too and they both look into each other's eyes. "Your eyes are so green" Hawkeye whispers.

"Yours are green too dumbass" says Nat. Then she takes his hand and kisses Clint. She's a bit shorter than him so she needs stand on her tiptoes, but that's ok. Everything's perfect for a second, but then...

"Hey, are you two fine out there?" they both hear knocking and Captain America's concerned voice. "Is everything ok? Natasha, how's your leg?"

"Oh man..." Clint whispers to Nat "he's really annoying when he's not saving the world" they both lough and Tasha yells:

"We're fine!"

"I'll go get some food for dinner, okay?" yells Steve, then Natasha and Clint can hear a sound of door slamming.

"I'll take a shower" Black Widow says and Clint leaves the bathroom.

She starts to undress and then turns on the water. The stream is lukewarm and nice and Nat really enjoys it. Suddenly she feels a strong wave of headache and the world around her starts spinning. Woman screams and she almost falls down when the pain appears once more. And then she starts to hear those voices again. Now, they are much louder and clearer, she's able to understand what they are saying.

"You shouldn't be here", "It's not okay", "You don't belong here" - the sentences overlap, but Tasha's ear catches most of them even if her head is still crazy spinning. Black Widow tries to breath slowly an squeezes her eyelids tight. After a minute or two the voices are getting quieter and finally cease to be heard.

Meanwhile Clint is waiting for Steve to come back with dinner. To kill some time he starts to look around Roger's flat but it's so small that there's not much to look at. Some old books and photos, a couple of newspaper clippings - that's all. In the wardrobe Hawkeye finds some shirts and Captain America's suit. He notices a radio and when he wants to press the button to turn it on, he hears the sound of key turning in the lock. Then he watches Steve as he walks in.

"I brought some pizza" says Rogers. The bathroom door opens and Natasha appears with wet hair and the thought that she looks beautiful pops into Clint's mind.

"Are you okay?" he asks when he notices her look. "You seem worried"

"I'm fine" she answers.

"Hey, I have an idea!" exclaims Steve. "Let's make a movie night! Since we're roommates, we can have some fun together, right?"

Clint and Natasha glances at each other with doubt.

"Naah, I'm not sure" says Hawkeye.

"Oh, c'mon guys! You both look stressed and tired. You definitely need some entertainment."

"Well, okay If you really want to"

They all sit on the couch in front of the small, old laptop and Rogers puts a CD in it.

"It's a film about World War II, it's really great! Then we can watch something about love"

"Oh, God, you couldn't think of anything more boring?" Natasha rolls her eyes. "Can we just watch James Bond?"

"NoooOO! the movies I picked are perfect! You'll see!"

"It's going to be a very long night" says Clint.

After an hour or two Black Widow and Hawkeye hear Steve's steady breathing and they assume he fall asleep already.

"Wimp" whispers Natasha and giggles quietly. The she approaches to Clint and says:

"You know, I heard those voices again."

"WhaaAaAAAT???" Hawkeye's eyes widen. "When? What happened?"

"When I was taking a shower, they just spoke up again. They were saying something that I'm not supposed to be here..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I didn't want to worry Steve" Natasha answers. "So, what do you think about it?"

"I think we should contact Wanda and Strange again. They must know something!" Clint feels how his palms start shaking, but he tries to control it. Everything will be just fine, but now it's getting really late and the film Steve has picked is really boring. "We'll figure everything out tomorrow okay?"

"Sure" says Nat. After some time, they both fall asleep, still hugging. 

So, Steve is a pretty annoying roommate.

I hope you enjoyed this part. I hope the next one won't take me as long as this one did.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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