Chapter 5

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Hi there, people!

First I want to apologize for not updating for such a long time, especially because in the last chapter I wrote I will update every week. But I was locked in my grandma's house where there is no wifi so I couldn't do that for a couple of days. Then when I came back home I was too lazy to write a new chapter hehe.

Anyway I'm back and I really hope you'll like the new part.

Clint's POV

Since Natasha came back, we're inseparable. We do literally everything together, partly because we don't have anyone except ourselves. We don't know how would others react to the news that Nat is alive again, 'cause Wanda brought her back from afterlife. And I think it will be best for us if we never find out, because they would probably think that is dangerous or something. But who cares what is dangerous and risky and what is not, if Tasha is here, next to me and I can finally feel happy again.

We're cooking dinner. Natasha is cutting some tomatoes and she accidentally cuts her skin with a knife.

"Shit" she whispers and looks around for some plasters. But just in the next second I'm there, for her.

"Oh my God, Natasha!!!!!!" I wash off the blood with a cold water. "Here, take a plaster!" I shout in panic.

Nat looks at me amused.

"What the hell are you doing, Clint? It's just a little cut, I've had much, much worse."

I look in her eyes and I suddenly realize how silly I am acting. I sigh.

"It's just... I've already lost you once..." I fell my voice is starting to tremble, but I'm trying to control it. "And I can't... I can't lose you again. I can't let anything happen to you." I take her hands and I place them between my own.

Natasha smiles.

"But I'm fine, seriously. I understand that you don't want to lose me, but look!" she turns around. "I'm alright! I really am. You can't be so overprotective and treat me like a little child, because you're gonna kill myself and yourself."

I sigh again.

"Okaaay, I will try..."

Tasha pokes me with her elbow, probably to loosen the atmosphere.

"Great" she says. "Let's finish the dinner then."

While eating, we watch 2018's "Tag" on TV. Natasha says that one of the main characters, Jerry, is kinda hot and I become a bit jealous. Anyway we laugh at every joke in the film like we used to when everything was alright and the Avengers were still together.

 "Tag" is a really great film. Nat is sitting next to me and I put my arm around her. Nat is the best. I love her. She's my very best friend and I think the rest of the world could disappear if only she was still with me.

When the film ends I look in her emerald eyes and she also looks at mine. Then we laugh again and after a while we go to sleep. I'm sleeping on the couch, because my flat has only one bed. So I'm lying on the couch thinking about Nat and how happy I feel when I can talk to her or hang out with her, or just see her. And then I fall asleep. 

Okay, guys, so that's it. I'm sorry it's so short, but I hope the next one will be at least little bit longer.

See you next time!

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