Chapter 8 part 1

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Gosh, guys! I'm finally publishing something! I can't believe that this damn chapter is taking me so long. I think it may be caused by the fact my will to write left me a little bit (she's a stupid, moody bitch sometimes).

Anyway here's the first part, I'm still struggling with the second one:

Clint Barton is sitting on the couch in his flat, his fingers are tangled with Natasha's. Her hand is warm and nice, but he can feel scars on it - the consequences of Tasha's unusual profession. Hawkeye glances at her face from time to time, because seeing Nat just makes him so fulfilled and complete. Like some part of him died with Natasha and now it came back to him.

This is the life Barton has always wanted. Laura just couldn't understand that he isn't always able to be her husband. Sometimes must be Hawkeye too. Now he can be with someone who completely gets it and is into saving the world too. And despite the fact he misses Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel so much, he is truly happy now. He has his best friend a.k.a. his love beside him and he knows that she understands him and his passion for being a superhero.

However Clint enjoys their evenings spent on watching TV or just talking, looking into each others eyes (man, Clint adores Nat's eyes so much) and chilling out on the sofa. That's when he doesn't need to be Hawkeye. He can be just Clint Barton, a simple man who was born in Waverly, Iowa, likes Pat Benatar's song and grilling with friends.

Barton turns his head to Natasha. He can feel her soft breathing 'cause his head is basically laying on her stomach. Clint wonders what is she thinking about right now. He reaches his hand to touch Nat's hair when his pocket starts to vibrate and he's forced to pick up the phone.

Hawkeye's really surprised when he hears Captain America's voice (let's just pretend he's not old lol). They didn't contact since Tony's funeral and as far as Clint knows, Steve left somewhere with Bucky Barnes (#stucky).

"Is it true?" Steve questions and Clint frowns. Of course he doesn't know what other Avengers are talking about. It reminds him of the times when all his teammates were excluding him and talking behind his back that Hawkeye's the weakest Avenger. As the time passed by they gained some respect.

When Captain doesn't get any answer he speaks up again:

"Dr Strange called me yesterday. I didn't understand much from what he was talking to me, but it was about Natasha, I think..."

Barton suddenly feels a wave of anger and terror rising in his chest. He knew that they can't trust that son of a bitch! And of course he was right! Strange probably called other Avengers too and now he, Natasha  and Wanda are in big trouble.

"I don't... I don't know what are you talking about..." he tries to trick Steve, but he always was such a bad liar. Rogers clearly doesn't believe Clint and continuous:

"Stephen also told me to let the S.W.O.R.D. know, but..." he makes a pause "You know what? I'm really surprised I'm saying this, but screw law, if Nat is really alive, I want to see her!" he exclaims and the expression of shock appears on Clint's face.

"Look at you! You are not as prude as I thought you were." Barton giggles to loosen the atmosphere, but he immediately gets serious again when he realizes how important the thing is.

"I know than sooner or later someone will call the S.W.O.R.D. and they are going to find you. So I thought you can hide in my flat. Maybe it's not a perfect place to spend your honeymoon, but it's enough to wait until Strange and others calm down a bit."

"Okaaaay..." Hawkeye mumbles, but doesn't seem convinced. He has visited Steve in his apartment once and as far as he remembers it was even worse than his own one. When he hangs up he sees Natasha's face she seems worried.

"Who was that?" she asks, but Clint doesn't have time for explanation.

"I'll tell you everything on the way" he says quickly and starts to pack.


The journey was sooo tiring, especially because they had to wear sunglasses and hoodies to prevent someone from recognizing them. Luckily most people don't stare at other people in their cars, so everything went fine and now Nat and Clint are standing on the staircase, in front of Steve's flat. Hawkeye notices that Natasha is smiling, she probably can't wait to see her friend again. Clint isn't really looking forward to it, the possibility of living with Rogers in his dark flat isn't his favorite one, but what can he do?

The door opens.

So, in this part I tried to focus on Clint's inner thoughts and feelings for Natasha and you can also learn something about his past (for example that he was kinda bullied by other Avengers, i just wanted to add it as a metaphor of some marvel fans who underestimate him.)

The next part is coming soon (at least I hope so lol)

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