~*Rays little secret*~

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Narrators POV:
Hearing those words made Ray step back, his eyes filled with fear. The terrified boy was about to speak but was interrupted by mama.
"Ray? Y/n? What is going here?" Mama asked in a suspicious tone.
Before ray could answer you answered for him.
"Nothing mama, we are just talking about what we want to be when we leave this house" you said sounding all innocent and cheery just like emma. Mama nodded in approval whilst looking at ray then walked away.

Y/n let out a sigh and went outside. She saw Norman and Emma talking about their escape plan.  Rolling her eyes she went back inside to the library and sat in her comfortable corner.


It was time for lunch. How did she know? Well she could smell the delicious food coming from the kitchen.

Y/n POV:
Walking towards the dining hall I saw Norman and Ray give me death stares but I just shrugged it of.
"Y/n it's pretty rare for you to come here without being dragged" mama asked me while giggling. Pouting, I sat down in a seat far from everyone else.

After saying our prayers I saw the trio walked towards me and sat with me. Norman on my left, Ray on my right and Emma in front of me. 'Focus on the food y/n don't make any eye contact' thankfully that is what I just did.

👄time skip  because it takes a while for people to eat👄

After doing the dishes I headed towards the library to read because why not and besides I want to waste my time

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After doing the dishes I headed towards the library to read because why not and besides I want to waste my time. Just as I was about to take a book i felt my body take a screenshot. I turned to see Norman Emma and Ray in front of me,
"Uhm, can I help you?" I asked calming down from the body screenshot I just took.
"How did you know about ray even though you are barely with us?" Norman asked looking directly into my soul.
"Eh pretty easy" I said looking at their surprised faces. Norman nodded at me to continue on.
"If you think about it, Ray would always be a loner and was always at the top of everything. Yeah at first it seemed normal but at least making one mistake would make sense. Right ray?" I said looking at his widened eyes.

"Also I always see mama and ray look at each other as if they are planning murder" I continued. At this point all their faces look shocked on what I said.
"So since you know all of this will you help us escape?" Norman asked looking into my eyes.
"Nah, life is meaningless to me so no point living." I said in a calming yet bored voice.

Normans POV:

I knew y/n was different but this was far more than I expected, no one can surpass her skill of examination! Not even me!!!

"Please come with us, don't you want to be with your family?" Emma asked her holding her hand. Y/n whispered something into Emma's ear that made her let go of her and stared at her with fear in her eyes.

With that she walked away.

Narrators POV:

Y/n walked out of the room leaving everyone speechless.
"Hey Emma what did she tell you?" Ray asked in a concerning voice. Emma looked at Ray then at the floor, tears strolling down her cheeks.
"S-she s-s-said t-that h-her family I-is d-d-dead" Emma finally managed to say before giving in to her tears.

Ray and Norman looked at each other then back at Emma who was now currently crying her eyes out.
"Hey Emma don't cry we don't want mama seeing us cry otherwise she will get suspicious of us." Norman said trying to comfort her.

What felt like ages trying to comfort the orange antenna she finally stopped crying and went downstairs.

Eyes on y/n but still listened to what mama had to say.

"Hello children we have new members of our family."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Heyo!!! What felt like forever Is finally done!!
I'll see you all next week

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Heyo!!! What felt like forever Is finally done!! I'll see you all next week Bye!!!!!

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