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Normans POV:

Finally morning has come, I couldn't even sleep. My mind was fixed on y/n, is she finally going to help us?

"Morning Norman!" Emma chirped happily. I resounded with a nod and proceeded to make my way downstairs.

"Morning Norman" Ray said looking at me with a smirk on his face. Was he glad that y/n decided to help us aswell?

Y/n POV:

Wasn't really bothered to eat so I stayed in the library and read my
f/b (favourite book/manga or something you read).

🗿Time skip brought to you buy Epic Games🗿

I heard running and laughing. I guess breakfast was finished. Earlier than expected, Norman, Emma and Ray walked in and placed the books I gave to them on the table.

"We did it, now what?" Norman asked with a smile. I got up and walked towards them. Slowly smirking making them flinch and walk backwards. I sighed and shook my head.

"Good, well done!" I said with a bright smile.

Rays POV:

Call me crazy but did she not look like she was about to murder us? Mood swing much, jeez.

"That's all at the moment, discuss what you think those words might mean" y/n said.

"Oh and here I got this from sister krone" she said throwing a pen like figure towards Norman. He stared at the pen then y/n. Then the pen then y/n with a shocked expression.

"How did you get this from her?" I asked sounding interested.

"I have my ways emo" she said looking at my soul.

She began to walk away and headed outside the library.

"I'm going to sleep don't disturb me, also check on the thickness and the height of the wall" she said leaving us with shocked expressions.

Norman's POV:

"Guys I'll be back I need to talk to her" and with that I ran heading towards her room.

Opening the door I saw a girl lying with her face looking up at the ceiling with her eyes opened.

"I thought I said no one to disturb me but whatever. what do you want?" She asked still looking at the ceiling.

"Come here y/n" I said with a demanding voice. Slowly she got up and walked towards me and stood right in front of me.

Y/ns POV:

"why?" I asked looking at the now flustered boy.

"Wel-" just as I was about to speak I was interrupted by the albino boy kissing me. I kissed back, the feeling of melting away by his touch.

Just as it was getting to the best part he separated with a smirk plaster across his face.

"So you do like me, eh?" Norman said still having a smirk.

I felt my cheeks become warm. I looked at the floor from pure embarrassment.

"S-so W-what if I do?" Dam why do I have to stutter especially now??

He just chuckled at my response and caressed my cheek with his thumb. He moved closer and embraced me. I couldn't do anything but return the hug.

Narrator POV:

Finally separating from the hug y/n and Norman stared into each other's eyes. Each one full of love and passion and determination.

"Well I have to go now." Norman said making his way to the door. Y/n nodded and waved him good bye. Y/n lunged herself at her bed and thought about what just happened.

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