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Narrators POV:

A chocolate skinned lady appeared from behind mama. She had the most insanely smile and was staring at everyone. Then mother showed everyone a new member, a baby.

Whilst everyone stared in awe at the newcomers, the 3 oldest children were shaking like crazy but tried to keep their composure.

Normans POV:

'Dam how can y/n be so calm about this? Isn't she at least shocked??' I looked to see Emma's eyes open and ray looking as if he saw a ghost.
"Hello! Please call me sister krone I hope we all become best friends" sister krone said giving everyone a warm yet creepy smile.

Once she spoke everyone ran towards her asking questions, she just answered them so calmly it was terrifying. In a corner of my my I could see that y/n was walking away.

'Should I follow her?'

Narrators POV:

Hesitantly Norman followed the mysterious girl into the library. When y/n sat in her comfortable spot she closed her eyes and held her hand to her head gripping onto her hair as if she wanted to pull it out.

'Is she stressed?' the white hairs boy thought with a sad expression. Unnoticeably, Norman made his way to the stressed out girl. The poor girl felt a warmth on her shoulder, was she really to far in her thoughts to not realise she was having a mental breakdown in front of someone?

Y/n POV:

I quickly stood up and faced Norman.
"What are you going to do now" I asked looking at him as if I didn't have a breakdown.

Narrators POV:

Y/n girl was about to speak but was interrupted by the boy embracing her.

"H-HEY LET GO" y/n said frustratedly.

Saying those words only made the worried albino boy hold onto her her tighter. Eventually y/n gave up and returned the hug to Norman.

Letting go Norman faced the girl who was looking down at the floor ashamed of what she has just done and what he had witnessed.

"Hey y/n so what are we going to do now?" Norman asked looking at the with a determined look.

Y/n POV:

Hearing those words made surprised. We? Whose we? Why am I included in this plan? I gave Norman a confused look.

"We?" I finally managed to say coming out of my thoughts.

"Yes, we. Y/n we need you." Norman said in almost a pleading voice.

Why is my heart racing?

Am I falling in love with this boy?


No no no no no.

I can't be.

I looked at the boy, I could feel my cheeks getting warm.

"Hey Norman why do you need me, you have ray who is smart and Emma is has reckless yet good ideas. What do you see in me that could help your escape plan?" I asked looking dead into Norman's eyes.

Narrators POV:

Hearing those words only made Norman smirk.

"Yes but your smartness is me, rays, and Emma's brains combined. Besides wouldn't you want to escape from this hell?" Norman said.

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