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Y/n POV:

It's been 2 months since Norman left and things aren't going so well. Well for example, Emma seems to have lost her hopes and dreams about escaping and ray looks like a total mess. I mean we all are but I wouldn't say I am, I actually have been going a long with the plan.

Norman told me to tell everyone in secret about the truth of the house  and to train them since we will be using ropes and stuff since mama had no reason if suspecting me, I mean of course I wanted to say no but I thought of Phil and everyone else, but oh well.

For some strange reason Ray wants to speak to me and Emma in the dining hall at midnight I think? Oh yeah I forgot to mention, me and Emma are cool even though she doesn't know that Norman fancies her. To be honest I couldn't care less, the only thing in my mind is to get the children out of the house to safety.

Okay. It's 11:30pm might as well start heading downstairs. Might as well get ready, I wake up everyone telling them to go outside and wait until Emma and ray goes out.  I reach downstairs and see ray and Emma looking at me.

"What do you need ray?" I ask in a monotoned voice.

"Glad you came, y/n" Ray said sounding suspicious. I walked towards the two and sat on a chair near me.

"Well both of us are here now speak" I said looking at the flammable supplies behind him.

"Have you guys really given up?" Saying that made Emma tense, me in the other hand just stared at the kid.

"Of course not ray why would I?" Emma said grinning. I just rolled my eyes at the two idiots.

"Okay so known of us has given up, and I'm guessing we are going to be leaving this house by setting up a fire and escaping?" I asked looking at rays surprised face.

"How did you figure out so quick?" Emma said looking at me confused. I just shrugged. I drawn my attention to ray who was now laughing like a complete psychopath. I mean he was a psychopath from the beginning but his laugh seemed of.

He then started to poor the substance all over the place.

"For years I have been planning this." Ray said starting his speech. Hmm something doesn't seem right. The I realised he poured the remaining liquid on his head.  Is this child really trying to become a full time goth and burn himself?!!

"Hey ray what are you doing?" Emma said shouting at the boy.

I just silently walked back and quickly made my way behind Ray waiting for him to turn in the match.

"Emma can't you see. For years they have been waiting for me! I am the feast they have been waiting for!! THEY CANT GET RID OF ME. Emma please I beg you don't let Norman's death and my death come in vain" and with that he lighted the match and let go of it. To his surprise I caught the match and clapped the light out of it.

"Jeez man you shouldn't have done that. Look at Emma she looks as if she's about to have 10 seizures and 20 strokes because of you." I said behind him. He turned and looked at me with relief in his eyes.

"BOYS YOU CAN COME IN NOW!" I shouted for the two boys to come in with food and a pare of clothes.

"What is this?" Ray asked me. I just pointed at Emma for her to explain. After explaining  Emma passed me a sharp knife.

"Oi goth boy cmere and sit down like a puppy" I said to ray. In response he pouted and slowly made his way towards me and sat down on a chair.

"Jeez are you really that of a coward?" I asked him trying to get his mind of the sharp pain in his ear.

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