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Y/N's POV:
my eyes widened at that question, I could feel the tears threatening to drop.
"Wait Y/N HAD A SISTER?!" Emma nearly screamed at this point
I looked at all 3 of them and then started running back towards the house, I noticed mama stare at me because of the messy state I was in but I just ignored it.

When I reached my room, I quickly closed the door and had my back against it stopping from anyone entering whilst I was inside the room. Slowly I slid on the down the door causing me to sit on the floor, I  covered my face with my knees.  Then surrender to my tears.

Norman's POV:
'Shoot did I say to much?' I looked over to Ray and Emma who were still processing on what I said.
"Norman, does y/n have a sister?" Emma asked me holding onto my shaking hand.
"She does" I said looking down clenching my fists.
"If she does have a sister then how come we didn't know?" Ray asked.
"True because I thought we were the oldest so we should've known....right?" They both looked at me in confusion but I could only look down and think.

We heard a faint bell noise then started heading back to the house. I was about to move but I felt someone holding onto my arm. It was Ray.
"Norman we need to talk about y/n"
I nodded in agreement then continued walked towards the house.

💁🏾‍♀️тιмє ѕкιρ вєcauѕє ι'м ℓαzу💁🏾‍♀️

It was time for lunch but y/n was no where to be seen. It wasn't to long until I saw mama holding her hand and bringing her to the dinning hall, she looked as if she cried overnight. 'Did I do this?'

Y/n POV:
I hesitated a bit but I sat next to Norman and started to eat, I felt the attention focused on me but I just ignored it. The only person I could think of was my sister and no one else, I felt my tears threatening to fall but I held them back. Wouldn't want to cause a scene would we?

I finished my food and later on everyone else started to finish off their meal.
"Y/n dear could you be a sweetheart and do the dishes" mama asked me in her innocent yet deadly voice. I nodded and made my way to the sink.

🧍🏾‍♀️тιмє ѕкιρ αgαιи🧍🏾‍♀️

Finally I finished doing the dishes, I stretched my tired arms and yawned. Dam was I really that tired? I made my way to the library to read, then suddenly I felt someone hold my arm shakily. I turned around to see an albino boy staring at me with regret in their eyes.

"Let me go Norman" I said with venom in my voice. He obediently followed my orders.
"Please I'm sorry, I didn't know you had to keep in this much pain" he begged me. I just stared at him, he looked as if he was going to cry.
"Y/n please, you don't have to face it alone, you have me Emma and Ray" he said whilst looking down at the ground with tears rolling done his cheeks.

He was about to say another stupid sorry sentence but I stop him by hugging him.
"Listen boy, Dont you ever Feel sorry about me" I said letting go of him and stared directly into his eyes.

Narrators POV:
Hearing those words a made Norman blush, he never thought the heartless girl could say such comforting yet insulting words to him at the same time.
"Escape with us to prove that you aren't angry" Norman said with I determined look.

Y/n looked at him with disappointment then face palmed herself.
"Norman I already sa-"
Y/n was cut by the snowman like boy kissing her. The kiss was broken by the boy and stared at her waiting for an answer
"I'll think about it, also Norman be careful on who you share the information of the escape plan" y/n said with a serious look on her face.

Norman couldn't do anything but smile and nod. She sighed then started to walk away with a smirk on her face.
'How long can you hide for?'


But yeah!
Cya in the next chapter! Author out!

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