~*Mission failed succesfully?*~

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Y/ns POV:

Finally the day when Norman and Emma see beyond the wall.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, like cmon you are being held hostage but treated like royalty only to find out you're food for demons. Wouldn't you be excited to see the outside world?

Whatever I got ready and went downstairs.

"Morning mama!" I said facing her with a biggest smile I have ever made. This made her shocked, i've never done this to anyone not even to Phil and we're close-

"Morning y/n you seem to be in a good mood, mind telling me why?" She said smiling back.

"I don't really know but as long as I'm in a good mood good things will happen right?" I said still smiling at mama nodding. I skipped towards Phil and sat next to him at the table.

"Morning Phil" I said cupping his cheeks he giggled and responded with a smile. God one day I'm going to adopt this child he's too adorableee!

After eating I went to the library to read. I got my book and sat down. I heard the library door open.
'Is that Norman,Emma and Ray?'

"Yo y/n" A familiar voice called. Ray.... I got up and walked towards him with a grin plastered across my face.

"I'm guessing Norman and Emma are gone to check, correct?" I said looking at him. In response he nodded and hummed.

"Okay I guess it's your time to shine Ray, go distract mama" I said pushing him outside the library. I watched him walk away and headed into mama's office room. Alrighty this gives me time to talk to Phil and the others.

I walked outside and saw Phil lying down on the grass.
"Hey Phil come here for a second!" I shouted. The boy quickly got up and hugged me once he was able get close enough. I hugged him back.

"Phil it's time to tell others." I whispered bending down to his level.  He tender up then relaxed and nodded.

"Are you able to handle telling them or do you need my help?" I asked but he shook his head and had a determined smile.

"Also, you might not like this but we will be leaving you behind so Emma and  ray can find a shelter. Once we do we will come back, just give us 2 years.Will you be okay with that?" I said looking into Phils eyes. He nodded but had a sad expression.

"I don't want to be alone without you y/n" he said with a shaky voice.
"You won't lose me, I'll be back before you know it" I said hugging him tighter. With that he nodded and wiped away his tears.

I looked around the area and saw mama leaving the house with an sinister expression.

"Hey mama!" I shouted waving at her. She stopped and changed her expression to a kind and warming one and waved back at me. 'Somethings up she came out way to early'

"Mama where's ray?" I asked walking towards her.

"Oh he's inside why?" She asked leaning closer to me. 'Woman I swear if you don't move back'

"It's because I wanted to hit him with a book for payback, he always hits me with a book" I whined to mama which made her laugh.

"Alright you go look for ray I need to find Norman and Emma" and with that mama left and I ran inside. Where is hell is Ray?  I looked everywhere but I couldn't  find him. I swear Ray you better be okay, please I hope the old looking witch didn't do anything to you!

As if someone answered my prayers I saw Ray and Don running towards me.
"Hey where were you?" I said smacking his head. He whined in pain and looked around.

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