~* Underestimated*~

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Narrators POV:

It was 7AM in the morning yet y/n couldn't stop thinking about last night. The night where she lost her first kiss to Norman, the thought about it made her feel tingly in the stomach but... the good kind?

She was deep in her thought but was brought out from them when she felt a hand  on her shoulder. Beside her was a worried Emma,
"Hey y/n why are you up so early?" Emma asked her still keeping her hand in her shoulder.

Y/n POV:

"Nothing I just can't sleep that's all" I said moving away from her. Emma then hugged into me
"Emma get of me" I said with in annoyance
She shook her head and held onto me tighter, I sighed and gave up trying and hugged her back. 'Well this is awkward'

After a few minutes she let go of me and had her normal cheery Emma smile, I just looked at her then got up and started heading towards the dining hall.

🦟Time skip brought to you buy twerking insects🦗

I sat next to mama and ate my food in silence, she looked at me in worry"Dear can I talk to you in my room after breakfast?"You flinched but nodded

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I sat next to mama and ate my food in silence, she looked at me in worry
"Dear can I talk to you in my room after breakfast?"
You flinched but nodded. You saw stares coming from Emma, ray and Norman but as always you ignored it.

🕷time skip ahain brought to you by spiders🕷

I followed mama into her room, I sat on her bed and watched her close the door.
"Honey are alright?" She asked me in a worry 'start your faking idiot' i thought
"Y-yes mama, I'm just sad I'm not here with skylar" I said trying to stutter and cry. Whilst crying fake tears tears I felt a warmth of mama she  rubbed my back. Why does this feel so comforting?

"Ara Ara, look at the time, it's already time for breakfast" she said departing from the hug. She then started to walk towards the children and dimming hall, I just walked back to my room and stayed there.

🦟Time skip again 🦗

I heard knocks on the door, slowly I opened the door peeking my head to see who it was

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I heard knocks on the door, slowly I opened the door peeking my head to see who it was. Not to my surprise I saw the the trio,
"What brings you here?" I asked in confusion
"Cone downstairs with us to eat" Emma said whilst having a grin plastered across her face.
"Nah I'm good besides I don't really like eating anyway" I said walking towards the window.
"Cmon y/n we don't have all day y'know" ray said to me in annoyance.

Narrators POV:

"Can I ask you guys a question?" Y/n asked turning around to face the 3 children. Hesitant but they nodded.
"How would you feel if a spy was leaking your ideas to mama?" Y/n asked them with a scary looking grin on her face. Her eyes facing Emma and Norman but her eyes were focused on Ray. Their eyes widened at the question
"W-what makes you say that y/n?" Norman asked while nervously chuckling.
"Oh nothing just want to make sure that no one is a snake that's all!" You said sounding innocent. This doing made Norman blush.
"Ray what about you, do you think there is a snake amongst us?" You said with a smirk.  He couldn't look at you in the eye as he knew you knew about his little secret. He just made his usual 'tch' sound and walked away. The angel in disguise looked at Norman who seemed nervous and surprised at the same time, y/n just sighed and shook her head.
'Man I thought this would be fun instead he just makes it obvious that he is the spy'  y/n thought in disappointment.

Ray POV:

How does she know?! Did she figure it out that quickly, does mama know about this? I need to y/n to keep her mouth shut otherwise my plan will be destroyed.
"Awww is little emo scared of big sister?" That voice....

Narrators POV:

Ray turned around to see a h/c ette , she waved at him with an innocent smile then became dark.
"Y-you h-how did you find out that quickly.....I-I had everything planned out..." Ray said in a surprised manner. Y/n looked at then moved closer to him and whispered

"Never Underestimate me"

Hearing those words made Ray step back, his eyes filled with fear. The terrified boy was about to speak but was interrupted by mama.
"Ray? Y/n? What is going here?" Mama asked in a suspicious tone.
Before ray could answer you answered for him.
"Nothing mama, we are just talking about what we want to be when we leave this house" you said sounding all innocent and cheery just like emma. Mama nodded in approval whilst looking at ray then walked away.

Y/n let out a sigh and went outside. She saw Norman and Emma talking about their escape plan.  Rolling her eyes she went back inside to the library and sat in her comfortable corner.

🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤aight finally done with this chapter!! I shall see you all in the next chapter!!'

🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤aight finally done with this chapter!! I shall see you all in the next chapter!!'

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