How I saw it. Part 2

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     "Yes, sir." He says, switching the line. 

     "Is this supposed to be funny, Axel?" His voice was as flat and cold as I remember. 

     "No jokes here. How've you been?" I asked, putting his voice on speaker.  

     "You damn well how I've been. Don't think this is something we can talk about over the phone, I'm flying you home tomorrow." He dictates. James' color drained from his face as he stared at me in disbelief. 

     "I-I'm so sorry, Axel I didn't know who your father was. I'm really fond of his work, I've heard of-" 

     "Who... who just spoke? Axel, who just interrupted our conversation? " He seethes, making James' legs tremble. 

     "His dad is a sponsor for the school you sent me too. He actually just wanted to talk to you." I smile, watching James desperately shake his head. 

     "You called me during my break just so you could have your friend talk to me?" He jeered, further frightening him. 

     "Well, not exactly. He was quite mad actually, called us commoners. Maybe his dad has a problem with you. You heard of the Robinsons?" I mingle, fully enjoying James terror. That must've been all he could take, because he was suddenly sprinting down the hall. 

     "Ah. He bolted." I say, trying to keep my laughing under wraps. 

     "I'm sending someone to pick you up at eight AM. You will come back, because I am telling you to." He ordered. I knew there was no escaping this one, he was being serious. 

     "...Right, see you then." I mumble, ending the phone call. 

     I sighed aloud, realizing what I had just done. I was going back. Back to that awful place full of liars and snakes who had the nerve to call themselves family. How was I gonna tell Jason? Hell, what would I do a whole country away from him? 

     I could just picture him sitting in that bed of his, eating himself up about today. I didn't think I could just explain what happened, he'd freak out and start blaming himself. Maybe there was something I could get him? 

     I sprinted towards the dining hall, rummaging in my pockets for my wallet. I didn't even know if it was still open, I just prayed that someone had forgotten to lock a door. Sure enough, when I got there it was dark through the windows. I came around to the front, knocking on the door. 

     It was quiet for a while, until I heard light footsteps leading up to the door. I heard grunting, followed by the door opening half way. I looked straight ahead, and I didn't see anyone. It seemed a bit childish to run after you open the door... for someone...

     "Woah, you're small." I say, looking down at the girl in front of me. She looks up at me, surprised. 

     "Who're you?" She asks in a small, silvery tone. She then gasps, taking out her phone from her apron pocket. 

     "Um wait, are you the President? I'm sorry I didn't know if you'd be coming, Let me see." 

     She focuses very hard, creating quite an awkward silence. Judging off of her uniform, she must've been a kitchen staff. She was very small though, and had a clumsy aura surrounding her. 

     "Um, It says here that James Robinson gave up his position as Student President and has passed it down to Axel Johnson..." She looks up at me, suspicion in her eyes.

     "Well, you I guess you look like him a little." She says, showing me her phone screen. 

     "That is a picture of me." I state, watching her expression go from worried to even more worried. 

     "Right, I'm sorry my eyesight's terrible." She giggles nervously, putting her phone back in her pocket.

     "You wouldn't happen to be related to Mrs. Jean, would you?" I ask warily. 

     "Who, my sister? Well yeah but I'm surprised you could tell. We look nothing alike." She mumbles, shuffling her feet. I tried to contain my visible disappointment, if she was a Jean then this was going to take a lot longer than it needed to. Plus, she was really small. It kind of freaked me out.

     She tried to open the door further, but it wouldn't budge. She even pushed her full body weight against it, with no progress whatsoever. I sighed, then put my hand against it to help her push. I was surprised on how easy it opened, she had made it look so difficult. 

     As you can imagine, it took way longer than it needed to. All I wanted were two biscuits; but she also sent me with cookies, juice and a bag of pretzels. 

    I also unwillingly learned about her family, apparently there are seven Jean sisters in total. Four of them worked at that school, and the oldest was the Advisory teacher. She also made it very clear that she was the youngest, so we were the same age. 

     When I finally left the dining hall, the sun had begun going down. I had been there for at least an hour. Jason had definitely been freaking out. I ran back to my room, picking up my laptop. The food run had been such a long detour, I hope we still had time for a movie. 

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