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     I went to bed earlier than usual tonight; a busy day lay ahead of me. Despite the situation Axel and I had gotten ourselves into, I was calm. A flawless future awaited me if my plan succeeded. I couldn't think of anyone who would make me as happy as he would.

     I don't know if it was my conscious or coincidence, but before I could fall asleep, I caught a glimpse of white hair. I groaned, burying my head in my hands. I had completely forgotten about her. 

     Aurora was somewhere in the world right now, thinking I was going to marry her. I was in some serious trouble, unless my Uncle had already told her what happened. But then if he had,  I couldn't help but wonder what she thought of me. Well, I had said it myself; all I could face now were people's opinions. I can't control others actions, only my own.


     I called an Uber to the Airport; it'd be ridiculous to bike there. The flight left in a few hours, but I'd rather be over prepared than under. Leaving now had its benefits anyway; I'd get to buy biscuits on the way.

     I kept checking my phone on the way, incase Axel had found a way to contact me. A giddy feeling began to rise inside me as I ate my biscuits; I was going to see him again. I could wipe his tears, feel the warmth of his body once more. 

     My duffel bag was extremely light, considering I didn't buy much for this break anyway. I could even bring it on the plane with me. My flight left in two hours, and here I was sitting at my gate like idiot. I stuffed my leftover biscuit in my mouth, ignoring the concerned look from strangers. 

     Maybe I should've slept, since I had gotten up so early. The flight took a stop in New York, so I'd probably have plenty of time to sleep once we were in the air. My week had taken a huge turn; I had started by spending all day in bed, and I was now flying across the world. It was a nice change of pace.

     "Flight C departs in five minutes, please make your way to the Gate." Said a monotone voice on the PA system. 

     I gathered my things, getting ready to board the plane. My headphones were tangled beyond belief, but lucky for me I'd have plenty of time to fix it. 

     The take off was probably my favorite part; I sat excitedly in my seat as the plane began to back out onto the runway. It was an extremely long flight, so I'd get to see the different times of day from the air. 

     I played music the entire time and eventually fell asleep, which was a real bummer because I had missed the snack cart. My stomach rumbled as we flew over the ocean, and I wished I had eaten something other than biscuits with empty carbs. 

     "Do you want a bite of my sandwich?" Someone whispered, nudging my arm. I turned down to see a little kid offering me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a concerned look on her face. What worried me is that I hadn't noticed her until now, and she had been sitting right next to me.

     "Then what will you eat?" I say, pushing away her hand. 

     "I'll be fine, since Sweety will give me treats in York New." She said confidently.

     "Who's sweety?" I ask, trying not to giggle at her mispronunciation.

     "Sweety is my girlfriend, I love her very much. You know what? Me and Sweety are far away, but I always see her when I can." She states, taking a bite of her sandwich.

     I stared at her for a moment, astounded at how easily she had admitted it. I knew she was just a kid, but he had just willingly said she was gay. She looked up at me, then scowled.

     "You had your chance! This sandwich is mine." She shoved the rest of it in her mouth, dusting off her hands.

     "Are your parents here?" I asked, genuinely concerned. She nodded, pointing to the seats in front of her. They were a relatively young couple, both asleep.

     "You know what? I brought Old Maid. Play with me!" She said excitedly, taking cards out from her back pack. 

     And so, I spent the rest of my flight playing old maid and watching Disney movies with a girl named AnneMarie. She just let me call her Annie, though. She was very refreshing to watch; she didn't really understand anything or seem to have any problems. Axel probably would have gotten along with her, they had the same adventuress attitude. 

     When a flight attendant had announced the plane was landing, Annie suddenly got quiet again. 

     "What's wrong? Do you not like it when the plane lands?" I asked her. She shook her head, and looked down.

      "Hmm. Well, when it lands that means you'll be able to see Sweety. Why don't you tell me about her?" I encouraged. 

     A shimmer of light returned to her eyes when I'd mentioned Sweety's name, and she rummaged in her bag until she found a photo album.

     "Her real name isn't Sweety, it's Amari. She's really pretty. I want her goofy hair." She says, showing me pictures. Amari was small like Annie, and she glowed in the sunlight. Annie looked extremely light compared to Amari, they were like night and day.

     "She is very pretty." I agree, examining the pictures. 

     "You don't get to call Sweety pretty! She's mine." She hisses, taking back her photos.

     "I don't want Sweety, you're the only one for her. Besides, I've got a boyfriend that I have to see, too." I mumbled. 

     "Really? For real, Really? Let me see!" She says excitedly. I took out my phone, and scrolled until I found a good picture of him.

     "Woah. He's so pretty. He's no Sweety, but I'd still marry him. You're going to marry him, right?" She asks, looking me deep in the eyes. 

     "U-Um, yeah. I think I will." I stammered, putting my phone back in my pocket. She nods approvingly, patting me on the shoulder.

     Before our conversation was even over, the plane rocked as it landed on the ground. It was nine AM in New York right now, despite the seven hours we had spent in air. 

     "Woah! We landed! I get to see SWEETY!" She exclaims, clapping her hands together. 

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