The Forest Elf Part 2

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      We walked for a long time, mindlessly wandering through the thick forest. She looked scared, but she never admitted it. I was beginning to learn that about her; she never showed weakness. In a funny way, it made me want to protect her even more. Like she could walk into a trap and never say anything, so I had to make sure it didn't happen in the first place. I didn't have any siblings, but I imagined this was what having a little sister would be like.

     "Are you cold?" I asked, watching her rub her bare arms. She shook her head, hugging herself. I shouldn't have even asked, I knew what her response would be. I sighed, taking off my jacket and wrapping it around her. 

     "I-Idiot! Now you'll be the cold one instead of me!" She said, trying to take it off. 

      "So you were cold!" I huffed, putting it back on her. Her cheeks flushed, and she looked down at the ground. I looked closely at her face, trying to determine what emotion she was showing. 

     It began to get dark, and the trees suddenly looked a lot scarier. She trembled, staying close to me. I didn't know what to do when someone was scared, I had only seen this situation in movies. I did know one thing though; you had to find shelter. 

     I look around, until I saw at an uprooted tree that formed a cave-like shape. I grabbed her hand, leading her towards the tree. "Come on, lets wait under there until my parents come find us." I said, sitting down.

     She sat down next to me, scooting close. I looked down, noticing her white hair pressed up against the dirty roots. I was oddly upset by the image, so pulled her hair from behind her back letting it fall in front.

     "There! Now you won't get dirty." I said, proud of my work. Her face turned a deep shade of red as fiddled with her hands. 

     "So, who are you anyway?" I asked her. She was quiet for a moment, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

     "I'm Aurora. My dad said I had to meet someone important today, so we came here. I haven't met anyone yet, though." She sighs, clutching my jacket.

     "Well, that's because you ran as soon as you saw me." I remind her. She scowled, turning away from me. 

     "I-I mean, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you an elf." I mumbled. I was surprised my the small giggle that escaped her lips, and I turned to see a smile on her face. It looked so natural, like it was meant to be there. A couple of hours ago, I would've never guessed a smile would look good on her.

     "I'm Jason. Nice to meet you, Aurora." I said. 

     I then hear sounds of yelling in the distance, and see the faint flashing of lights. 

     It scared us, and she scooted closer to me. I was shaking myself, until the voices became clear and I realized they were yelling both of our names. 

     "Ohh, they found us!" I exclaimed, standing up. I held out my hand to her, helping her up. She almost looked disappointed, as if she'd rather stay here longer. I took her hand, pulling her in the direction of the voices.

     "Come on, let's go back." I said. 

     "Hmm... okay." She agreed, going along with me.

     We were found by two security guards with flashlights, who took us back to my house. 

     "Oh, this is your house?" She asks, still holding my hand. My mothers words suddenly rush back into my head as I try to decipher them. Something you can cherish forever.

     Had she meant Aurora? Was she giving her to me? I didn't know you could use humans as gifts. I guessed Aurora didn't mind, she clung to my arm at her own will. It wasn't so bad, I guess. I could protect her for a little while longer.

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