Chapter 32- Scared

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Chapter 32- Scared

____Ariel's Pov_________

Before I had time to react to the oncoming vehicle, the door was swung open and I was grabbed roughly and pulled inside. My scream was cut short when suddenly a chemical was put to my face which knocked me out instantly.

____Henry's Pov_____

We did not have enough time to save her. We were right on her trail. We almost had her until a black SUV pulled up and someone grabbed her forcing her into the vehicle.I only heard her horrid scream and that was it .She was gone.

Trevor was really upset. He took his gun and shot at the SUV in an attempt to stop it but it was bullet proof.

I was so furious I could not even comprehend what had just happened. Tears rolled down my face .I was disappointed in myself .I was so close to getting my niece safe.However, Raymond beat me to it.

"Don't worry Edward.We will get Ariel and our best partner back. I'm sure Ayana will fight for her freedom wherever she is .I believe that she is not dead .I believe that she is alive and is trying to get back to us." Edward said.

I wiped my tears, trying to forget my emotional break down.

"Guys, just find where that vehicle came from and if it belongs to Raymond, my brother." I said upset.

I walked into the black car we drove here in. We then drove to the head quarters to meet everyone else. I will find my wife and niece. I must.

___Ariel's Pov______

Everything was quiet. Too quiet. My eyes felt like they were glued shut. I stirred on the bed I was on in am attempt to open my eyes, but even my body was stiff. It was as if I was bounded to something.

After a couple of minutes my eyes slowly opened .It was kind of dark but I was able to see past my surroundings.

Getting up I was disgusted with my surroundings. I was currently tied down to a nasty old bed which felt more like a rock to me due to how hard and uncomfortable it was.

I quickly broke loose of the rope which tied me. I almost gagged seeing the old toilet near the hard bed which hadn't been cleaned in years.

This wasn't the plan .Somebody else had picked me up from the airport. This means that my friends could be in danger .I hope Elena doesn't do anything stupid. For the first time in a long time I felt scared. Scared of losing my life and scared of losing my friends. I knew my dad had kidnapped me and that he was capable of killing my friends without them even blinking an eye. He was that dangerous.

I got up from the bed slowly and went to the nasty rusty jail bars to see if anyone was coming.It was dark outside the cell as a very dim light was outside. The coast was clear so I observed every inch of the room to find my escape.

After an hour of looking, my escape route literally slapped me on the face. I had ran into a wall. This wall however had a vent. It was very slimy and my face and some gross slimy substance on it which when I removed from my face made a splat on the ground. I shivered it disgust. However, me getting dirty had just begun. I removed the vent easily and observed what I could see. It was a tight squeeze but I would survive.

Crawling throw a duct was nothing easy, especially if you're feeling slim all over your body, there is a horrible odor and your breathing space is limited. I tried to be as quiet as possible, as ducts sometimes tend to be loud. After five minutes of darkness, I finally came to an end. There was another vent which had to be opened.

I shoved it really hard with my hands and after two attempts, it fell down with a loud thud.

I winced at the bright light which greeted me. My eyes felt like they were blinded for a while. The distance to get down was a bit high so I had to do a hand stand, by gently lowering my body to the ground.

I back flipped so now I was standing straight. My legs felt a bit wobbly because I hadn't done a hand stand, yet alone a back flip in so long.

I got up and observed my surroundings. I was outside some old building. Suddenly, two guys came running out of no where. They looked like they were up to no good. I believe that the police were after them for I heard a man shout freeze as the men ran for their money.

I heard gun shots being fired and frozen in my spot, I was scared.

There was no where for me to go and a heard a loud bang go off. Before I could comprehend what was going on, I was falling to the ground, with a severe pain igniting a fire in my arm.

_____Ayana's Pov______

As a police officer, I was trained for the worst case scenarios. However, this was out of hand. I was five months pregnant and stuck in a cell. I barely are due to the poisonous food in which I was fed, and I don't remember the last time I had a proper bath, meal or even saw the sun.

I was scared. I missed my husband so much and very fearful for him.
Just thinking about him made me cry, but I was too weak to do anything .

I was currently staring at the wall when my cell's door was abruptly opened.

I trembled in horror as a man grabbed me and dragged me out of the room. I was to weak to object and he pulled me roughly that I almost fell, tripping over my weak feet on numerous occasions. It was really dark, until he opened a door with such bright light that my eyes closed, burning like hell.

I screamed in horror, my raspy voice cutting off.

After what felt like an eternity I was removed from the room, however, my eyes would not open. I could not see anything. Nothing but darkness. I was scared. Scared that I would never see again.

____End of chapter______

Hope you guys enjoyed this.

School will be closed soon so I should be able to update quicker and finish this book as soon as possible.

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