Chapter 18- My New Roomie

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Chapter 18- My New Roomie

________Elena's Pov________

"You're pathetic! I don't know why you weren't aborted!" the woman I once used to call my mother shouted.

I was in my small room reading a book when she started shouting. I guess she was drunk for I heard glass breaking when her loud, raspy voice sounded .

I love my mother so much but she is slowing killing herself. She was such an intelligent woman. Ever since the death of my father while she was pregnant with my little brother, she turned into an alcoholic. She abandoned us with my grandmother. When I was nine, she took me to live with her in Los Angeles. She had gotten better and was going to bring up my little brother, but then she quit her job. She claimed her boss was treating her unfairly because she was black. She would have taken him to court but he threatened to have her deported to St.Lucia, and that was a no for her.

"Where are ya, you little rascal!" my mom shouted, her footsteps getting closer.

I ignored her question and continued to read.

She soon found her way to my room, after tripping over her feet multiple times.

" ...." she stopped and then threw my lamp down.

It crashed with a spark and bam. I suddenly saw my mom shake violently and she fell to the ground, still shaking.

My room was now in darkness since I was using the lamp as my source of light.

I switched on the light to my room and saw my mom's pale figure on the ground.

"Mom ?" I cried. She had just been electrocuted. I did not want to touch her for I knew the currents passing through her body could shock me as well.

I exited my room and dashed to the living room where her phone was. I immediately dialed 911.

"Hello," I said with tears in my eyes.

" 911, what is your emergency?" a lady responded.

"My mom has just been electrocuted . She is unconscious on the ground." I cried into the phone.

"Don't panic. Is there anyone at home with you?" she asked.

"N-no." I cried, tears flowing heavily down my face.

" Don't touch her . I've located your address thanks to the tracker on your phone. Help is on the way." the lady said .

I hung up the phone and cradled it my hand . It was seven'o clock. It was a bit chilly but I was so scared that my body was trembling from the fear of losing my mom, even if she was mean.

I opened the front door and walked outside.

I went to my neighbors to tell them what had happened. They were all proud of my bravery and how I immediately called 911.

Five minutes later, my mother was being rolled out on a stretcher and put into the ambulance.

She was not shocked badly but she would be unconscious for a while due to the alcohol she had consumed earlier.

I watched as the ambulance left with my mom.

A few people, some neighbours and other nosey people stood outside watching the scene take place.

I felt alone. I would have to sleep in the house by myself. A tear threatened to fall down my face. I turned around and was starting to walk back to my front door when someone shouted my name.

"Elena! Elena!" her tiny voice shouted and I recognized her immediately.

"Ariel?" I asked baffled.

She finally reached me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked still in shock.

"My uncle and I heard the sad news. We came here immediately." she said hugging me.

"Thanks Ariel." I said smiling.

"I guess you'll have to move in with me sooner than planned." she said happily.

"Wait, what?" I asked in shock.

"I was really sad that you were going back to Saint Lucia so I asked my aunt and uncle if you could live with us. They agreed and I was going to tell you that on Friday but since you have no one to take care of you now, my uncle and I came to pick you up." she said.

Wow, that was a lot to take in.

"Yay!" I shouted and hugged her.

I was so happy.

"What about my stuff?" I asked.

"Since it's eight in the evening, you can take something to sleep in and for school tomorrow . After school, Uncle Henry and I will come here with you to take your belongings ." Ariel told me .

Mr. Henderson asked me if I was okay and he apologized for what I was going through.

They helped me get my belongings and then we went to their house , my new home.

When we got there , Ms.Mayer, their maid, greeted us.She brought my stuff up to Ariel's room. I would be her new roomie.

Ariel gave me a brief tour of her room and bathroom, even though I've been here a million times. After the tour, I took a shower a put on my pj's. Ariel did the same thing after.

We were currently watching television on Ariel's flat screen when her uncle came to tell us good night.

"Goodnight Mr.Henderson." I replied while Ariel called him Uncle Henry.

"Enjoy your night with your new roomie. Elena, by this weekend your room should be organized. What's your favorite color?" he asked me.

"Purple." I responded immediately.

He nodded his head and then left the room.

Ariel and I continued to watch television until we dozed off.

______End of Chapter_______

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