Chapter 16- Back to work

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Chapter 16- Back to work

_____Ayana's Pov________

Ariel had a splash at her party. I was really happy that she had a good time.

It was the following day after her party and I had just finished packing my bags. I was really sad that I was leaving her the day after her party but I didn't want to get fired. Even though I act as if I don't care, the truth is, I love my job.

I was dressed in a simple dress and high heels. I got my bags and brought them downstairs. Henry had already brought my 'Guess' luggage down .

Ariel had just finished eating her breakfast when I walked down the stairs.

"Ready?" Henry asked me.

"Yeah." I said smiling.

" Aunty Ayana, when are you coming back?" Ariel asked me, tears in her eyes.

" In a couple of months. I need to solve the case first. " I said smiling.

"Okay." she said as she entered the car.

We soon arrived at the airport.

I waved goodbye to them.

Henry and I shared a passionate kiss and then I went to the departure door .

**********6 hours later************

I had just come out from a meeting with the team. I was quite upset with them.

"Sarah, Trevor and Edward, meet me by my car now." I said walking out of the door and to my BMW .

When they arrived, I gave them all a glare.

" Well, this is awesome. I told you guys give me a few weeks. But....someone just had to open their yap --" someone cut me off.

Such nerves!

"Ayana.-" Sarah started but I cut her off.

"No! You listen. Since you want to finish this case so much then fine. When I say to get up to look for clues or ask people questions , you do it. End of discussion!" I shouted giving them a nasty glare.

I got into my car and drove off with rage.

I drove quickly to the apartment we were renting and went to the basement which our own private training could be done. It was really huge and sound proof. I got my gun out, filled it with ammunition, put on gloves , glasses to protect my eyes and ear plugs. I then started shooting targets, running up to them within a certain time .

An hour later, I was sweaty and relaxed. I was no longer pissed off.

I walked up the stairs to the ground floor. I then ran up the stairs to the first floor where my room was. We all had our own separate bathrooms so I was in my own sanctuary and no one could disturb my peace. In other words, no sharing.

I took a long shower then got dressed in black.I wore black boots, black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket.

I got out of my room after putting my make-up.

When I got downstairs, everyone was seated on the couch relaxed.

"Hey Ayana." Edward said to me.

" Hey." I responded.

"You look good." Trevor said and winked at me.

I simply stared at him then returned my attention to everyone.

" In half an hour we leave to go to the lab unless if you guys are ready to go." I said smirking.

I heard them groan.

"Edward, I need you to find out the victims and their families whereabouts . Trevor, you'll be our driver and Sarah and I will talk to the families. " I said .

I then walked out the door and entered the SUV.

Soon, the crew followed. I sat in the back with Edward. Sarah sat in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" Trevor asked me.

"The lab." I responded.

*******at the lab*********

" Guys, I found the victims, Nadia and Lisa. Nadia lives in Boston and Lisa lives a few blocks away from here. Kyra's parents live together." Edward said.

" I've just evaluated the pictures of the body. She received an injury to her head. Apparently, she suffered with anemia, which is when you have little iron in your body,causing you to have more white blood cells than red blood cells.The loss of blood due to the impact killed her." Sarah said.

"That's sad." I said .

"Yeah.and-" I cut Sarah off.

"Guys, take a look at this. It looks like something was on the seat. It looks like a baby car seat based on the images. I think we should take a baby car seat and test it on the same vehicle ." I said seriously.

They all nodded their head.

" Do you think she had a baby?" I asked.

"Possibly." Sarah replied.

"If so, how comes the family never reported a missing baby?" Edward asked.

"Maybe they never knew about the baby?" Trevor implied.

" This case just got a whole lot interesting." I said still pondering.

" Trevor , write down the information we've figured out. We need to work fast. That baby, well child actually, could be in danger. How old could he or she possibly be?" I asked.

" Between the ages of ten and fourteen." Trevor said .

"That's a wide range Trevor, could you narrow it down?" I asked slightly annoyed at that range.

"And where in the world could we start looking for that child. Boy, girl, transgender ?" Edward said causing us to start laughing.

It was that funny but he looked exhausted and his face was adorable .

"Come on guys, it's already eleven in the night. Tomorrow is Sunday. Let's continue this case on Monday. We'll question the victims and their families." Trevor said .

We all agreed and locked up the lab . We got into the vehicle and Edward drove us home this time.

When we got out of the vehicle, I saw a note on the car mat. Curiosity struck me and I opened it.

---It read:

You have been warned. Drop the case or face the consequences.--

"Guys, take a look at this. I found a note on the car mat. " I said and read them the note.

"Which one of you idiots did this?" Edward asked annoyed.

"Not me." we all responded.

" This is freaky. We need to take extra precaution." I said walking into our apartment.

If someone could enter our car, imagine what else they could do.

________Raymond's Pov ___

After two years, they decide to strike again. What is wrong with these detectives. Why can't they see that this case is not to be tampered with .

My men are everywhere and so I knew when they began to get suspicious of this case .

Recently, one of my men put a note in their SUV asking them not to tamper with this case. If they continue, well, let's just say they're in for a surprise.

"Amara!" I shouted.

She soon came in the room. Her brown hair was combed neatly in one.

"Yes sir? How may I help you?" she asked, looking at the ground.

" Never mind , get back to work." I said and watched as she walked out of the office I was currently in.

I'll have to fly across to South Carolina to watch these detectives carefully.

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