Chapter 13- Wierd

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Chapter 13- Weird

_________Ayana's Pov_____

It was four in the morning and I was awoken by the buzzing of my phone.

"Hello?" I said grumpily.

"Hello my sweetheart. How are you." a man's voice said.

I knew it was not Henry, for although he was on a business trip, I knew his voice.

"Hello? Who am I speaking too?" I asked annoyed and alert now .

"How's my daughter doing?Wouldn't it be a shame if anything happened to her?" he asked.

"Raymond. What in hell do you want?" I shouted.

That same moment, I heard a loud scream. It was Ariel. I jumped out of bed, throwing the phone down and grabbing my gun. I ran to her room and put on her light to find her tied to her bed and blood around her . It wasn't her blood . Someone had broken into the house.

I untied her as she was trembling in fear.

"Is he going to kill me? I don't want to die!" she cried loudly.

"Shh. Honey, don't worry. You'll be fine. He's just messing with us." I said trying to calm her .

I got her into her bathroom to clean her up.

It was really weird for Raymond to do this.

When I was done washing her up,I realized her panty had a blood spot.

"Ariel, I think you got your period." I said quietly.

"Th..that blood in the room wasn't mine."she stammered .

" I know sweetie, but girls usually receive their period around your age." I said sadly.

" Go out and I'll wipe to see if you're right." Ariel said upset.

A couple of minutes later, she still hadn't come out.

"Ariel, are you okay ." I asked as I knocked on her door.

"Why won't it come out?" she asked scared.

"Sweetie, it can't come out." I said calmly.

"What???" she said panicking .

"Calm down, I'll get you a pad." I said and ran to get her some.

I had hidden them in one of her drawers for I got mine when I was eleven as well.

Soon she was out of the washroom as if nothing happened.

"Would you like to sleep in my room? I'll have the maids clean up the room for you." I said calmly.

"Sure." she said sadly.

As she got into my bed, I tried to figure out where all that blood came from.

Ariel was already asleep so I grabbed my gun and walked down the stairs to call the guards.

I called the guards but no one responded.

What happened to my men?

I got a little scared and decided to call Henry.

"Hello? Henry?" I asked.

"Ayana, are you okay?" he asked me sounding worried. I told him that I suspected Raymond had killed the guards and put the blood on Ariel's bed. It was really weird of him.

" I'll call my crew from the South Carolina police department."

Two hours later, they were clearing up the evidence. Raymond, the heartless beast , murdered all the bodyguards. I was really upset.

_____Ariel's Pov______

I got up with pain to my abdomen. Memories of last night flooded my head causing me to shudder.

I got up from bed and realized I was in Aunty Ayana's room. She was sleeping peacefully on her side.

I was about to leave the room when she opened her eyes.

"Sweetie, don't rush to go anywhere. You're staying home for the week. Go to the washroom if you need to but today you're going to relax." she said calmly.

I nodded my head and walked to the washroom in her room.

****later that evening******

Uncle Henry came back home in the afternoon. He was really concerned. Aunty Ayana told me that I would have to tell him that I got my period. This was going to be a weird conversation .

We all sat at the dinning table having dinner.

I played with my food for I was nervous.

"Un-uncle Henry...H-how was your trip?" I asked stammering.

" It was quite good. You look pale, are you okay?" he asked looking at me concerned.

" I-I 'm seeing my period." I said quietly.

Uncle Henry continued to drink .

"For a second there I thought you said you were seeing your period." he said laughing and sipping more of his drink.

He watched me and when realization kicked in he began coughing and chocking on his drink.

" Honey, honey...are you okay?" Aunty Ayana asked patting him on the back.

A few moments later, he was fine.

"Ariel, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade." he said pausing for emphasis.

I watched him confused.

"And when life gives you boys, you kick them where the sun doesn't shine. Do you understand ?" he asked seriously.

I watched him like he had five heads.

"In life, you begin to change. So, umm... no children for you until you're 40. No sex ." I cut him off.

"Uncle Henry, I'm only 11, soon to be 12 next week. I am in no rush for such things!!" I shouted at him.

"Weirdest conversation ever!" I shouted as I walked up the stairs, no longer feeling like eating.

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