Chapter 31- Plan B

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Chapter 31- Plan B

_____Ayana's Pov________

Never in my life had I been outsmarted by a stupid crook. Knocked out clean.
I could feel the bonds which held me hostage. I knew that I was blindfolded, my mouth was taped and my hands and feet bond by rope.

Who in the world would do this to me?
I mean, I know countless criminals are after me because I put them in jail or beat them up but this is just bizarre. When I get my hands on them, they'll be....

Without warning the tape was ripped from my mouth.

It would be an understatement to say I said ouch. I cursed the person so much and so loud that they attempted to hit me but I dodged it by throwing the chair back, falling with it. The chair broke and I was free from the rope. As it loosened around my arm, I quickly removed the blindfold.

I got up on my feet right away and kicked the guy who came into the room. He stumbled and fell down but got up right away, but I was already out of the door.

I was scared but calmed myself down. I remembered when I was in the castle with my husband about four years ago. I don't think I ever came across this side.

What am I talking about? I can't even remember where I slept when I was here.

Suddenly, I bumped into a hard wall, but I was caught before I fell.
I was face to face with Raymond.

"Hello Ayana." he said scaring the living daylight out of me. I felt my face pale.

"Raymond." I managed to sneer his name out of my mouth.

"Where were you going? I mean, after all, you took away my daughter from me for four years and now as I have you,were you running away?" he said and he looked so menacing that I thought I had shit in my pants.

"Umm....urh...."the words could not come out of my mouth.

I felt Raymond grab my shoulders and suddenly I was being pushed down stairs. I screamed loudly as I fell. My head hit the floor with a bang and that was the last thing I remembered.

____Henry's Pov______

My niece is so stubborn. If only she knew of the danger she would be in if she stayed in Boston. Ayana was already taken, I don't need Ariel to be taken as well. Knowing Ariel,she would try to run away so I made sure I assigned her a driver.

It was almost time for Ariel's plane to leave Boston. In three hours for the most,she should arrive here .

An hour later, something in my head, I guess you could say my conscience, was telling me that Ariel would escape. I told the guys, Edward and Trevor, to go with me to the airport. We would have to monitor the flight and all exits for Ariel was a smart teenager.

Soon, we were at the airport and we had our guards up.

Edward messaged me through the walkie talkie to tell me that they had located Ariel. I saw her looking around, a bit frantic, and suddenly walking in another direction as if she was avoiding someone.

"Ariel!" I shouted, but she ignored me and started a slight jog. She had a small handbag. She had not travelled with a big suitcase. She is so stubborn.

"Guys, she's running. Get a hold of her now." I said into the walkie talkie.

The guys got her her pursue. She was running at full speed but Trevor almost had her. Just as Trevor was about to grab her, she did a fake movement, tricking Trevor. She then headed in another direction and out the airport doors. Edward was right behind her however, and soon I was out the doors as well. Trevor was not too far behind.

_______Ariel's Pov______

We planned it all out. It had to work. It was a strategic plan my friends and I had worked out, Elena as my main girl. Nothing could go wrong.

I boarded the stupid plane like my Uncle had insisted. I don't understand why I must come to South Carolina. He's ignoring my questions whenever I ask about Aunty Ayana.

Now, if you think I'm dumb enough to listen to him when he's lying to me then you're wrong. He told me come alone, he doesn't even mention about Elena again.

So, we devised the perfect plan. I would board the plane, but my friends would have been in South Carolina before me, so we would investigate and find out why Uncle Henry has been lying.

The flight went by in a blur, and soon I was right where the plan would be established.

I saw my Uncle, but then I saw other men looking around.I was a bit frantic and not sure whether or not to panic.

My uncle shouted my name but I ignored him and started walking in another direction. I started jogging away, trying not to cause a scene.

The men were on my pursuit and I was scared. There was this big guy who was about to grab me but I did a swift movement, tricking him. The other one and Uncle Henry were right behind me. I ran so quickly and was almost free until a black SUV came swinging in my direction.

____End of Chapter_______

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

It's been a while guys.

I've been so busy but not too busy for you my readers.

I will try to update as soon as I am free again

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