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The Senior Specialist had only just started yet, some students were already batshit drunk

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The Senior Specialist had only just started yet, some students were already batshit drunk. Fallon walked through the crowd of students that were outside of the east wing.
Pink, purple, and blue lights flashed around the east wing, while music was blasted from the DJ stand. Fallon scanned the crowds, as she searched for Beatrix.

Fallon walked pasted the table full of drink and bumped into Stella, who had just entered into the East Wing. Stella had a scowl on her face, but it fell when she noticed who had bumped into her.

"Sorry..." Fallon muttered, the last thing she wanted now was to get into an argument with Stella.

"It's fine." The princess reassured Fallon. The two had an awkward and silent moment, they didn't talk they just kind of stared at each other.

"Okay..." The raven haired girl stated awkwardly, just as she was going to leave Stella spoke up.

"I'm sorry! I've been a terrible friend. Especially while your mother is sick, I haven't even check on you or her." Stella confesses to her best friend.

"Wow, It's been a while since I've gotten a sincere apology from you." Fallon had to say she was impressed that Stella hadn't given her one of her famous bullshit excuses.

"Well, they are only reserved for my best friend... If I still get to call you that?" Stella asks sheepishly as if she was expecting the worse.

"Wha- Of course, we're still best friends. Nothing is going to mess up our friendship." Fallon exclaimed, she was surprised that Stella thought otherwise.

"C'mon let's get some drinks, because we are way to sober for this party." Stella grabbed some shots from the table and handed two to Fallon.

"Bottoms up!" They both down their shots one by one. Fallon let out an enthusiastic whoop after taking the shots, before making a weird face from the bitter aftertaste. The two erupt into a laughing fit.

When they stopped, Fallon looked up and spotted Beatrix standing with Renova and Riven. Stella followed her friend's gaze, spotting Beatrix in the distance.

"So what's up with you two? I've seen you two hanging out these past two weeks. Even sharing an apple with her in the cafeteria." Stella asked curiously, with the two of them not talking lately she missed a lot of tea.

Stella gasped loudly. "Are you two?-" She cut off mid-sentence cocking her eyebrows up and down. Fallon could tell that she was asking whether they were dating or not.

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