Chapter 18

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Nixon's Pov

I was in business. I was trying to get everything ready for the day Red joins the pack. I was really stressed out about it though. I mean who wouldn't be stressed out about their mate joining their pack when they are an Alpha? Who wouldn't is crazy that's what I'm saying. I completely agree. Yeah you also agree when I was staring at her ass too. Well it's a very nice one so I'm just gonna put images in your head now hahaha. Sometimes I hate that wolf. You LOVE MEEEE!! Ugh.

Anyway back to the whole joining the pack thing. Red can join in about a few days, and it will be just amazing or so I hope it will. Do you think we will get joining the pack sex? EVAN! Just wondering. Ugh I hate you sometimes. Well isn't someone on- their. Don't finish that sentence. Okay then.

It actually takes quite a while to set up for the whole pack joining thing. We first have to schedule it all out, and make it even with the all patrols and stuff like that. We also have to make sure we have all the requirements too. Well it may take a lot of work, but in the end Red will be in the pack.

I then walked into my office to start on the official Alpha paper work. It's stupid but the price of being an Alpha doesn't come easy.

Red's Pov

Okay I'm going to have to get something nice for this whole joining the pack thing. Right? Well there's only one thing to do now that I need a shopping buddy. Call Mary I'm just kidding I'm gonna call Raven duh. Even though Mary Poppens would be cool having here.

Okay after Raven arrived, we went to into the car and I started to drive to the store. "Hey can we turn the radio up?" I just started to laugh and nod. The way she said it was like she was dieing. She then flicked the switch on the radio and Out of the Woods started to play.

Looking at it now, it all seems so simple

We were lying on your couch, I remember

You took a Polaroid of us

Then discovered

The rest of the world was black and white

But we were in screaming color

And I remember thinking

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

In the clear yet, good.

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods yet?

Are we out of the woods?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

Are we in the clear yet?

In the clear yet, good.

Are we out of the woods?

(I would put all the lyrics in but I don't think you came here for that. Now did you?)

After we were down with our little sing section we stepped into the local mall. It's nothing big but it has some pretty nice stores.

Me and Raven went to different stores and try like a millions dress on. "We are gonna find one for me." It's not gonna happen. "Oh sure we will. Hey! Look at this one!" It was a long tight top, flowing bottom peachish dress. "It's perfect." I grabbed it and walked into the dressing room.

When I walk out in the dress. It felt perfect and it looked perfect. "I'm so wearing this to the pack ceremony." Raven smiled in approval. "I so agree."

After that we went back to my house and Raven left. I think Mia this is gonna be great. That it is. That it is. I'm in love. You think I don't know that? No I know you know. I just want to say it. Do you think we will get joining the pack sex? MIA! Hey just wondering. Ugh wolves. You love me and you know it.

A/N What is this? An update that's long overdue? Yeah probably. Anyway the picture above is Red's dress. Anyway I just wanna say I love all the comments and votes this book is getting. (You don't update for maybe a week and look you go up like 3k read wow) But yeah Hybrid Mate has over 12.60k reads and 296 votes. I love you guys for and I will try and update more. I have testing going on at school and shit. But anyway,
Everyone needs an Evan,
Comment your ideas for the sequel name,
love unicorns,
and Ba Bye.

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