Chapter 12

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Red's Pov

We just have to wait til he gets here. That's all we have to do. What am I gonna say to him? ' Yeah those wolves that have been running around are me.' How about not. What if I say that I haven't been quite truthful about my life and I want to tell you about me more. I don't know anymore.

All these plans and none of them seem right. What if we just straight up tell him? That sounds like the best plan so far. I don't think it would be the best idea though. It's like ripping the bandage off to fast. Yeah we don't want that.

Just I few more minutes and he should be here. That's when I will tell him everything. Well not everything, but a lot of stuff. We have to do this. I know and we will. We will be fine. What the worst he can do? Reject us. Remember it can't effect us. That's true. I just don't know Mia.

It's time and he just knock on the door. Well now or never. I open the door. "Hey Nixon, come in." I then kissed him on the cheek. We walked in the living room and sat on the couch. "So you wanna to talk about something?" Okay here we go. "Yeah. Umm Nixon I haven't been so truthful about my life."

Nixon's Pov

She has been lying about her life? She has been keeping secrets from us. Evan calm down. "What type of not being truthful do you mean?" That's what gets me. "Well you see I'm really telling you everything about my life and so I'm not being truthful about."

Is that it? "That's it?" I looked at her with the most twisted mix of emotions. "Well yeah. I think it would be better if we talked about our life more so I don't fell like I'm lying to you." That's what she was worked up about? "Okay that's sounds nice."

We are now in the backyard of her house just sitting on one of those porch swings going back and forth. "So what do you wanna tell me?" "Well Nixon I umm always actually wanted to be a werewolf. Even from when I was younger." That's amazing. She will be able to have some what of her dream. "That's cool." "Okay that's not true. I'm beating the Bush. Nixon I-I-I......"

"You what?" She can't get it out. That's when it happened. She got up and started shaking. I have really no idea what's going on. Nixon why do I feel a stronger pull to her now? To be honest. I have no idea. She hasn't down anything.

"Nixon I'm a hybrid. Now don't judge at first but just think of me the same of what you did before." She is a hybrid. "Well umm Red all I have to say is your even better now." She looked shocked by me saying this. "Your serous?" I nodded. "Well then I gues-s..." She stopped talking.

She was still shaking, but now she was shifting. She shifted into a black wolf with red eyes, and a white star over her eye. Wait white star? "You have a white star over your eye." She looked at me. "Nixon I don't know what to say, but I'm all the wolves with the stars. I can change me color and hide my scent. The only thing that stays the same is my star and eyes."

She is now just all that more amazing. "Red I just can't believe it. I can't believe I have a mate as awesome as you." Her whole face lit up. She then shifted back to human form, but what amazed me more was that she shift back with clothes on. She then walked up to me and hugged me. "What's your wolf's name?" She whispered in my ear. "My wolf's name is Evan. Now what your wolf's name? If you have one. I really don't know." She giggled at me. "My wolf's name is Mia."

*Time skip*

"So that whole I knew about werewolves from wattpad was a cover?" I laughed at the memory. "Yup. I of course know everything about the mysterious creatures because I am all of the, not because of some app." Wait all of them? "You do know by the more you talk I'm liking you more and more."

She then walked up to me. She went close to my ear and whispered something that I was supposed to say.

A/N Okay that's it for now guys and there will be another chapter soon. I can't believe she told him! Actually I can believe it. I'm the one who wrote it. Lol. Any way there is only one thing to do,
Ride dragons in Redwood forest,
eat cake,
and Ba Bye.

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