Chapter 20

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Red's Pov

I woke up to a dark room. Nothingness. That's all it was. No sound and little light. I was held down my some type of chain. I don't really know what it is.

I really don't know where I'm at. And I also don't remember how I ended up like this. I think I was taken by a Vampire? I don't know, but I do know I have to get out and like soon.

That's when the door opened. I didn't see much, since there is really only a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, but I did see a man walk in. In a groggy voice I hear him say, "Why hello, princess." I say nothing. I hear him chuckle, "Saying nothing will get you know where." Again I say nothing. He walks up to me and bends down. I recognize his face from somewhere. "I've meet you before?" My voice sounded so vulnerable and weak.

He then smirked, "So you do remember me." I squinted my eyes, "Y-your the vampire I spared in the woods. I didn't kill you. You kidnapped me?" He chuckled again, "No I didn't kidnap you myself, I wish I did then I could have you for myself, but no it was my boss that did." I looked him in the eye and tried to put out my fangs. Nothing. Again I tried. Nothing. "What did you guys do to me?" He chuckled again, "We combined all the stuff that harms other creatures and gave them to you, but just enough to make you weak, not to kill you."

That was it. I'm weak and almost nothing. "Are you gonna kill me?" He looked at me and sighed, "That's not my job to decide." He lifted the room after. Nothing left to say.

~The End
A/n Just kidding there will be another update soon. I just want to warn you. Seven more chapters. That's all. Only seven, but
Sequel will be after,
Probably a spin off,
Who's knows?,
Oh wait I do haha,
And now a Ba bye.

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