Chapter 23

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Red's Pov

It's time, I'm joining the pack. I am walking down the pathway. Wearing the dress I picked out a long time ago. There was all the pack members surrounding the area. As I made my way to the front of the place, Nixon comes into view.

You know this may not seem normal, but I want to tell him soon. Like maybe in front of the crowd? No. It's the all the stress probably making me think this. Nixon has to be the first to know about the baby. Well beside my brother, but he was the one who told me so, rules don't apply there.
I was there in front of everyone, all I have to do is the blood bonding part and I'm in the pack. "Red Dark please take the moonlit knife and cut your palm." Nixon said out, but it sounded like he didn't want me to be hurt. But I haft to, so I took the knife and pressed it on my hand, cutting enough room for blood to come out.

Nixon then took the knife from my hand, ignoring the Sparks for officialness, and cuts his hand in the same place. "With this bond I call Red Dark to the Redwood pack," he then said some weird different language and you could see light from out our hand and we raised them and placed them together.

The light disappeared and we pulled our hands away. I looked at my hand and there is now a red moon shape on my palm. I apart of the pack now!
Me and Nixon arrived back at his house. Apparently he had sent some of the pack workers to my house and bring all my stuff to his. He even brought Seven too. Well if he didn't bring Seven I would of hurt him but ya know.

"So babe, how do you like being apart of the pack?" Nixon ask me as I put my clothes in my new drawers. "I love it Nixon." I finish up and close the drawer and walk over to the bed. "Nixon." He lifts up his head and turns to me, "Yes, is something wrong." I shake me head, "No, nothing is wrong it's just, um I have something to tell you."

He eyes kinda widened. "What is it? Please tell me I'm not in trouble again." I shake my head again, "No, not at all. It's actually good news I guess. It's important though" He takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes, "Well whatever it is, I'm here for you always. Now what it is Red?"

I take a deep breath and say, "I'm pregnant."

A/N Well that's a new chapter and a cliffhanger. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for the late update. Please don't kill me, but I'm out of school for the summer so I might be able to update more! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I know it's short. I was trying to update. Just remember
Love you all,
Pedro the unicorn is great,
4 Updates after this,
And Ba Bye.

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