Chapter 5

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Red's Pov

I can't believe out of all the people in the school I get the Alpha. It's not like I don't mind because he literally is one of the sexiest and hottest male specimen ever. Wait what am I thinking? I never act or think like this about anyone. Mia don't you go weak on me wolf. What? I can't help it he is hot.

Ugh. Well my wolf isn't helping. Remember I can't let it effect me. I might give my cover away. It feels like a fire is going off in my chest. Man that sounds so cheesy. What's happening to me!?! I sound like a walking romance novel.

I freaking hope that this class doesn't last much longer. "RING! RING! RING!" Okay luck is on my side. "Hey, my name is Nixon." Dang I spoke to soon. I turned around to see the person I'm trying to avoid. "Hi, I'm Red." I then put my hand out for him to shake. He of course took it. Oops, I forgot about the sparks or what ever they are. Oh well to late. He grab my hand and then the zaps went through my arm. I made it look like I was confused. "Well it's nice to meet you, but I have to go." I then turn around and walked away with a smiling Alpha behind me.

Alpha Nixon's Pov

"Well it's nice to meet you, but I have to go." She then turned and walked away. I was probably smiling like a four year old who just got a jar full of candy. That's how I feel though. She is my mate, but she is human and knows nothing about the supernatural world. That's what scares me. I don't usually get scared though, but this is a mental scare.

*After School*

Pack work is so tiring. Then again that's the life of an Alpha. Work, learn, and lots of time. Yup that's about it. I was working on the pack report when G barges in. "Alpha there has been a wolf spotted in the south west part of the territory." "Why cant these rogues leave us alone?" Seriously we had like four last week. "You see that's the problem we don't have a smell of it. So we dont know if it's a rogue. I actually dont think it has a scent." Wait. What? This has to be interesting.

Red's Pov

It was after school and I needed a run. I was just running in the woods when I saw some other werewolves. Dang I will get caught. Oh I forgot to mention that I'm a weird wolf. By that I mean my wolf is like dark black, but has one white spot of a star over my eye. I also can change my fur color, but the white star Speaking of my eyes they are red in wolf form.

We have to hide our scent now. Okay do it now. Hide our mate scent too. Why the mate scent? Because if Nixon finds us he will know that we are a wolf, but we need to change are color so we can scare them off and use your voice. Okay. Yeah I forgot this is his territory. Yeah it should be a weird color like let's do a fire red. Yeah perfect especially with the white star and my red eyes. Okay change it now. Okay I will do it be ready. Okay now.

"Come on guys I saw the wolf over here." Dang they're right near here. That's when I walked out in the open. I hear someone growl. "You think you can come on to Alpha Nixon's territory and not get aw-w-ay" I think he realized my color. "Yes I do think I can especially since I'm stronger then all of you." "How is this even possible? Your a bright red wolf with a star on your eye." They all looked confused. "It's possible because I'm that special." Well I can be different colors because of the demon and Angel in me. "What's going on here?" I then smell Nixon's mate smell. I also think he realized my color. "Listen you are either going to tell us your business or we will have to kill you. Your also going to have to shift" "I don't think you will want to kill a female wolf. I also am not going to shift in front of all you I don't have clothes." This wasn't true I shift back with clothes on, but I was not going to let them know who I was. How dare Nixon talk us like that. We are his mate. He doesn't know that Mia, remember we don't have a scent. Oh yeah. Never mind. "Wait a lone she-wolf. You don't see that everyday." "Yeah I get that alot, but I have to go bye." I then run away.

While I'm running I know I left them in shock. I see a tree and climb up it and shift back into human form and unhide my scent. What are you doing? I know what I'm doing now shut up. I see Nixon smell the air. I pretend to shake. I see Nixon look up at the tree. "Red what are you doing up there?" Time for the plan. "I saw a umm a big, huge bright red wolf run by." You are one smart bitch. Then again so are you. Hey! Only saying the truth. Hehe. "Oh, you saw the wolf?" Busted. "Yeah I saw it run across the path and then in disappeared in thin air. Do you know what's going on?" Haha now he has to tell me about werewolves. "Red we need to talk. Can you come over?"

A/N Okay guys I left ya there on some note. I forgot if I did name Red's wolf, but if not it's Mia. But I will update soon to fill ya guys in. Hehe. I'm evil I know. But you will love me. But
love cliff hangers,
eat cake,
and Ba Bye.

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