Chapter 8

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Red's dream (third person)

Red ran like her life depends on it. Well it technically did. Red was being chased by everyone that means something to her. She was running from her mate, family, her past, lots more. She had no idea why but she felt like she had to. She kept going not stopping once to even look back. This was the smart idea though because if she turned back she wasn't going to be able to keep going after that. She couldn't take what her mate will say about her being a hybrid, so she ran. She ran from her whole life. Never looking back. This scene fades away as Red now appears in the woods looking at something that looks like it's happening now. "It's now or never. Nixon, you need her to be Luna. The pack can't take it." Red watched as the scene played out. "But she is just a human and its to much to take in." She looks as almost affected by this. Then she thinks it's not real. "But we need her."

*Dream over*

Mia what was that dream supposed to mean? The thing is I don't know Red. I actually don't know. This can't be good. Can it? Nope. Not one little bit.

*Nixon's Pov* (after he left)

That was the best thing ever. The feeling when I was near her or kissed her lips. The sparks wait, no flames I felt when we made out. Hold up I sound like a romance novel on that Wattpad app thing. Yeah I searched it and all of it sounds like a big no, no for a Alpha trying to keep his ego up. Yeah I did just admit that my ego is big. At least you admit it. Oh shut up. You love Red. Yeah I do. Wait what? Ha you admit it. You already love her. But then again so do I, but I'm the wolf. You son of a wolf. Well it is true. I am a wolf in all. Oh shut up Evan.

You have to admit though we need a cold shower after your little make out session with her. Yeah but I can't let her know she has that affect on me. She will use it against me. Knowing her and all. That was a kiss though and man. I want to mark her though. My wolf start to pout about this and it was getting on my nerves.

"Hey Alpha." I heard this over and over again as I walked to my room. Hey Nixon did you notice something in Red's house and about her? No not really. Why? Well there was a bunch of stars in her house and her cat had that star and she had a star tattoo on her writs. Oh I did that. What does it mean? I don't know but it scares me. I don't want to lose our mate, but it was the same mark the red wolf had. Oh yeah it was. Wasn't it? Yeah I'm actually worried now.

Whatever it is I need to find out what's going on about it. I can't let anything happen to my mate. I will do anything for her. Yeah she is our kitten. Shut up. Your ruin the moment for the ending. I don't think the readers mind. They think I'm better then you. Oh shut up Evan. Why did the moon goddess give me a wolf like you. You love me. What ever. I like I was saying before being interrupted will do anything for her. I just wish she had more protection.

*Red's Pov*

I was running in the woods thinking of what this means. What that dream meant. I really have no idea. I was just in mid thought when I heard some noises. Mia hide our scent and change color to brown. Okay on it. So hear I am hiding by a bush trying to find out what's going on as a fake brown wolf with a white star over my eye, and red eyes. That's when I decided why not run. So that's what I did.

Red it's Vampires. Dang why oh why Vampires. Stupid senses. What? Before I knew what she meant I ran into something. It wasn't just something, more like someone. I looked up to see none other than a male vampire looking down at awed. Yeah I have that ability from being an Angel. Then I realized I don't have much time. Right before I could run away he grabbed my tail and which cause me to yelp. "Oh no. Not so fast Wolfie. Let's me have fun first." Yeah he new I was female, but he didn't know I was a hybrid. (Just imagine her smirking right now okay) I looked up at him with a face that said please no. To be honest I don't know if I can run away, but it's worth a shot.

"Shift she-wolf." I looked at him like clothes even though I don't need them. "Oh well. Guess I will see you naked." He smirked which just yelled, 'I'm as cocky as a chicken and my ego is bigger then Russia'. Yeah that sums it up. I then did what I was told, but I of course shift with my clothes on. He of course was shocked. "Let me say I think you messed with the wrong wolf." He then being the Vampire he is showed his fangs and hissed. Two can play at that game. I then showed my fangs. He backed up with probably fear. "Y-Your a hybrid?!?! But you can't be here your not allowed to be here." Oh yeah certain hybrids can't be on certain areas. "Well I'm much more than that." I then grew horns on my head. Like the demon I am. "You are that type of hybrid then?" I nodded. "Well how about we both leave each other alone and forget this happened. Agreed?" I looked at him for a moment with his extended hand. I then hide my horns and fangs. "Agreed." I then grabbed his hand and shaked.

It was after that I left. I went straight back to my house. Mia we are still going to have to tell Nixon we are a hybrid. Right? Yeah. And it's going to be hard to do. ugh. I then fell back on the couch. Man it just now hit me how tired I was. It was only like ten minutes later when I fell asleep.

A/N Okay I updated. Tell me how ya like it. I love the support love  this book gets. Thanks so much. And that leaves this,
don't do drug bought from unicorns or at all,
love werewolves,
and Ba Bye.


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