Chapter 3 The Travellers

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Bryce's words meant nothing to Daniel. He stayed on the floor, the results of his tantrum lying around until his ragged breathing returned to normal and his legs worked again. The idea of leaving the mess for Addie flitted across his tired brain in the same instant that he stood and began picking up. Five minutes later, the debris cleared and the floor wiped clean, he needed to find something to do. With Finn trailing his every move, he stumbled back to the cubicle to change clothes, pull on his trainers and grab his windcheater for a walk. What he wanted was a good shot at Pete's jaw. It seemed lately, all he wanted to do was hit something. It wasn't like he didn't come by the tendency honestly enough. In the Doctor's long life, he had battled the same demon, even nearly killing a companion once, but first he needed to think and plan out his next move, and that meant walking somewhere, anywhere. Daniel grabbed his sunglasses, ignoring Addie's new carved clock chiming noon. His expression softened when he looked back to see an anxious Finn watching his every move. 

"Come on, old boy, let's get some air, eh?" 

 He skirted the park, walking at pace fast enough to breathe hard until he spotted the colourful campers set up close to the park's entrance. The caravans ranged from brightly painted wooden structures built on the back of trucks or pulled behind cars to sleek, modern vehicles. Colourful flags flew from each abode.  Brightly hued awnings and curtains spiced up the more modern vehicles. The closer Daniel and Finn got to the group of Travellers, the more the group brought back memories of the way cautious Southern Gallifreyans scattering when Time Lords showed up. Women in long skirts and jumpers watched with wary eyes whilst suspicious men dressed in jeans with leather jackets and knee-high riding boots shadowed his every move. Their jackets barely covered the revolvers on their hips. Even as he scanned the group, it hurt to watch mothers move their children toward the safety of their homes and away from him. Daniel squared his shoulders and walked to the nearest male, hoping the man spoke a language he recognised instead of some unknown dialect. 

 "Monsieur Barrow," a deep voice called before his target could speak.

 Daniel turned to see the burly man from his doorstep moving through the group. "Mr Durriken, I wanted to talk to you and Tomašis if that's alright?"

 "Of course, let's walk," Durriken said, gesturing for Daniel to follow. 

 Durriken walked with the stride of someone long used to being in charge, chatting as they went about the weather, the leaves, even the price of petrol. It was amazing how the man managed to shove so much talk in the space of few steps. Daniel tried to feign interest, despite finding it a bit disconcerting, knowing that this was what he sounded like when he prattled on. Now he knew how it felt to desperately want to tell an adult to shut it. Durriken led him to a dark green wooded camper at the far end of their line-up. Tomašis stepped down from a camper sitting on the back of a truck and flashed a warm smile when he saw Daniel. 

 "Monsieur Barrow, I'm glad you decided to trust us," Tomašis greeted.

 "What makes you think that I have?" 

 "You would not be here otherwise," Tomašis answered.

 Daniel pushed his sunglasses up on the bridge of his nose to hide his burning eyes, then crossed his arms. "Right. What did you tell them about me?"

 Durriken stepped closer to Tomašis. "He told us you were a man in great pain and that you were much like him. I think you are also a very angry man."

 Daniel's eyes narrowed behind his sunglasses. "Did he? And how am I like him?"

 "Like Tomašis and his people, you are not of this world," Demetri answered.

 Daniel shifted and uncrossed his arms. "He told you that?"

 "Yes, he told me, no one else. It's not something my people need to know."

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