Chapter 30 Run till You Can Breathe Again.

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 The dream snapping Daniel from a deep sleep, left him sweating, and gasping for air. It had felt so real. He jerked and then glanced at Rose, spooned next to him, blissfully unaware of the nightmare. He eased a lock of hair from her face and studied every lash of her closed lids. She'd be so angry with him if she knew the kinds of thoughts running through his thick head. He shifted and then stared at the ceiling. It was stupid but he didn't care;  he had to know if the possibility existed. He slipped out of bed, retrieved Rose's laptop from the dresser and walked into the lounge.

There was an unexpected advantage to a  level one security clearance for Torchwood. It made breaking into the security protocols for Barlinnie Prison so much easier.  Less than two minutes after turning on the computer, he had the blueprints for the place. Even with all its security upgrades since the lawsuit, there was still a myriad of ways for someone to escape, including through the sewers running underground to the streets in front of the prison. Daniel closed the laptop, ran his tongue over his back teeth and then blew a harsh breath. This was stupid. He was stupid. Still, he thought, glancing at a pad of paper on the table. He changed into sweats and then left Rose a note, telling her he'd gone for a run.

Nearly empty streets made the drive across town to his destination easy. For some reason, except for the lack of year-round ice, the entire complex reminded him of Volag-Noc. Daniel parked across from the entrance and hesitated before getting out. It had been a long time since he'd played spy, but now he took a position under a street lamp and stared at the entrance shrouded by darkness.There he stood, shivering in the cold spring air, trying to pretend this was not an insane moment. The immense size of the prison became apparent in the greying dawn. The sun climbed higher painting the horizon in mauves and pinks. The razor topped fence surrounded the place glittered in the light. No one could escape  over the top of that fence.

Daniel stared at the prison gates, wishing he'd grabbed a scanner from the TARDIS. What he really wished for was the TARDIS, She would have made tracking movement underground so much easier. The best that he could do now was stand  guard against any van leaving the place. He'd be damned if Ian Filson would breathe one second of free air. The sky turned from grey to bright blue, promising a second day of beautiful spring weather. He should be with Rose, using the early morning to make love and the day helping her finalise the deal for the flat. He shifted from the lamp post to the SUV and used the fender as a resting spot. He didn't move again except to straighten when a car turned into the prison entrance.

Another hour ticked by; another car drove past. He ignored the way the driver slowed and then did a U-turn before parking. Daniel paid no attention to the man getting out or the way he crossed the street and ambled towards him. His head snapped sideways at the Americanized voice calling his name.

"Figured it had to be you," Don said when he reached the car bumper.

"How?" Daniel stuttered, stunned by Don's appearance.

"I got a call from my boss asking me why a car registered to Torchwood has been sitting outside Barlinnie prison. Then I got a call from a very worried and upset Rose. She said you weren't answering your mobile. We spent last night together, you were having fun, or so I thought. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I had a dream. Ian managed to slip away from his guards at Stan's funeral. He managed to get to Katherine and Fergus' house hunting for Robbie, and then he...." Daniel hitched a breath. "I just had to make sure."

"You know that borders on paranoia, right?" Don said, sidling next to him.

"I don't know, I prefer to think of it as cautious. No more chances. If he tries, if he leaves this prison; I will -- take care of it."

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