Chapter 33 Changes

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A phone call from Fergus brought Daniel and all three kids to Glesca on Sunday morning. He dropped Rose off at the loft, kissed her long and hard before saying goodbye and then drove to his in-laws. The last person he expected opened the door. With both twins in his arms, he could do little but open and close his mouth. As long as he dealt with her alone or on the phone, he could handle Maeve Filson, but in Robbie's presence, she set his teeth on edge.

"Granny," Robbie exclaimed, ducking around Daniel. Without hesitation, he threw his arms around the woman. She hugged and kissed him before meeting Daniel's cold eyes. "Hello, Daniel."

His jaw twitched before a cold smile tugged his lips upwards. "Maeve, you're looking good," he said. "What are you doing here?"

"I've been staying with Katherine when Fergus has to be at the church," she said reaching for a baby.

Daniel flinched. He didn't mean too, but he did. Maeve dropped her arms and stepped out of the way. "Fergus set a play yard up in the scullery. I'm making biscuits, I can watch them while you see Katherine 'n' then we can get this lot into see her. She's resting in th' den. The kirk brought her a new recliner," she said with a tired smile.

"Right, well biscuits sound good, right, Robbie? I'll just follow you."

Daniel eased into the den moments later to see Katherine dozing in the recliner, snuggled under a wrap. He smiled. "Hey," he said.

Katherine opened her eyes and grinned."Where are my wee bairns?"

"In the kitchen with biscuits. What's Maeve doin' here?"

"Since it seems I'm allowed nothing more vigorous than walking the block for six more weeks, th' Ladies Guild made a rota. She's lonely, so she asked if she could help. She's on th' list for Wednesdays 'n' Sunday when Fergus is at the church."

Daniel joined her, leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I could come up and clean; I've gotten quite good at it."

"I know; I talked to Adela this morning. She filled me in on how well yer doin'. Seriously, Daniel; it's good. We've talked. She's trying to put her life back together, and I've come to realise she was as much a victim as Nora. She's in counselling now 'n' I think she'll change."

Daniel squatted beside her and rested his chin on the arm of the chair, eyebrows pinched. "Maybe, but if it weren't for Robbie, I'd've left that restraining order in place and let her rot with the lot of them."

Katherine laid a hand on his arm and studied his eyes. "No. You wouldn't. There is a difference between anger and cruelty, and you are incapable of cruelty."

For a brief second, Daniel's expression froze. If you knew the real me, he thought. "Anyway," he said, changing the subject, " Addie missed you last night. I gather it was quite a do."

Katherine patted his arm and flashed a reassuring smile. "I heard it was a fair party. Did she tell ya about th' jimmy in the kilt?"

Daniel cocked his head. "What man in a kilt? Nobody said anything about a man in a kilt. He didn't....?"

"Aye, he did. All the way down. Now that I'm sorry I missed. I have to say, twas tonnes o' fun peepin' at th' fella the girls had at Nora's do."

"Nora did not have a stripper at her hen party, she'd've told me," he declared. "That had to be Jackie's doin'."

"Och, Daniel; ye think ye know so much about the women around ye. Ye don't have a clue."

"Oi!" Daniel protested.

Katherine shook her head as she laughed. "Don't get yerself in a knot, tis true and you know it. Now, how are my wee ones? Addie said Robbie was pure upset."

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