Chapter 17 Candy Canes and TARDIS Two

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It felt odd to wake up without the jolt of a barely remembered dream snapping him awake or an ache in the middle of his chest. Daniel stretched his lithe frame until every muscle pulled, slowly relaxing until he sank into the mattress. The only sound in the room came from the twins scooting about in their sleep. The peaceful moment gave him time to reflect on the last twenty-four hours. Yesterday the day began in hell and ended at the skating rink listening to a sound he'd not heard since that day -- laughter.  The kids had their pictures taken with Father Winter  Robbie started slow but then joined the other kids at the rink  making faces at the Winter Wizard Robbie laughed, truly laughed. He'd laughed, truly laughed when the figure  skated around pretending to grab those calling him names. After rounds of hot chocolate with candy canes, they'd gone tree shopping. The whole bloody evening had been fun. 

 He closed his eyes, letting the image of Robbie holding Rose's hand, skating loops and figure eights wash over him. She'd skated around the rink with him, smiling that tongue tipped smile that came so naturally when she was happy.  For a moment, her smile had eased his aching loneliness for Nora. The two women merged into one.  A half second too late, he slammed the door shut on thoughts that sent a pool of heat to his groin.  God, I hate human weakness, he groaned. At least the shame no longer sent him running, but it still forced him up. 

 Something was missing from the room. Daniel glanced over at the roll-away, disappointed to find the little bed empty. Somehow he'd missed the boy getting up in the middle of the night. Nature forced a quick trip to the loo and then he headed for the lounge, expecting to find him  watching the lights twinkle on the tree they'd put up last night. The lights twinkled and blinked in the corner, illuminating the darkness. Robbie's absence sent him toward the kitchen door. He blinked at the brightness of the kitchen overhead light when he pushed it open.  Robbie sat alone, deep in thought, his expression pensive, swinging his legs under the chair. Daniel's mobile lay on the table next to a half-empty glass of milk. The sight sent a fresh stab of pain to his heart.

"Robbie? What are you doing up?" he asked. He walked over and kissed the top of Robbie's head before moving to the cupboard for a mug.  "Did you have a bad dream, why didn't you wake me?" he asked whilst his tea.

 "I didn't have a bad dream, Dad. It's ... I woke up thinking about Grandmum."

 "Maevis? What about her?" Daniel asked, keeping his eye on the hot water.

 "She's all alone, Dad. She doesn't have anybody to love her anymore. What's she going to do?"

 Daniel dropped the tea ball into the mug, scooped in sugar and poured the boiling water over the contents. It was all very methodical, giving him the chance to collect his thoughts  before facing the troubled little boy. He reached over and brushed Robbie's hair back, studying the worried look in his young eyes. Those beautiful dark brown eyes were so gentle, and yet so full of fire; just like his mother's. He was her son and Fergus' grandson, through and through. The universe had done one kind thing; it had given him responsibility for a remarkable little boy.  

It surprised him that Robbie would have any feelings left for that woman. He could certainly live the entirety of his life quite nicely without ever thinking of any member of the Filson family, including Maevis. The sip of tea gave him a second to figure out what to say. "I don't know what she'll do.  Hopefully, she'll move on and make a new life. What brought this up?" The answer was lame and he knew it, but it was the best he had for 6:30 in the morning.

 "We had fun last night, didn't we?" Robbie asked.

 A soft smile tugged at Daniel's lips. "Yeah, I think we had a grand time, for the first time in a long time."

 "You looked happy last night." 

 Daniel set the cup down and reached to brush Robbie's hair from his eyes. "I was. I had you and the babies, and my friend. Is that why you're upset because I had fun? Or is it that Rose came with us? I thought --"

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